Fly you fools!

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Alessa couldn't cry the loss of her Grandmother. Not yet. Clarissa and she had entered a race against time. They knew what they had to do. It was planned by Rowena over 30 years ago when her husband died and the soulmate bond was broken. So mother and daughter joined their magic to burn the body of their late ancestor on a funeral pyre the assembled secretly nearby the place where Rowena lived. Then they proceeded with the plan, which called for them to hold a funeral with other ashes they gathered from a harvest altar they found in the past and then tell to the people who attend the funeral that the ashes were to be dispersed on the sea by her will.

These precautions had to be taken because none of them wanted the soil of her burial to be used to perform magic rituals since many witches would be searching precisely for that. And since the reverence that previous generations held for their deceased ones had also decrease, they couldn't risk to have her bones or ashes used for rituals. They had to prepare for such considerations.

"Are you Ok?" Chase asked Alessa, bringing a cup of tea and a cupcake to Alessa, who stopped pacing for a moment while Clarissa and Robert arranged everything for the funeral show. He noticed that for brief moments, Alessa would knead her left shoulder.

"No, I'm not. But I don't have time now, Chase Collins." If he had learned something during the almost year that he has been living with Alessa was that calling him by his full name meant business is serious.

Without asking, Chase used the Power to change Alessa's dress, because she hadn't change from her formal dress and now was dirty, and made appear something more comfortable and practical for her to wear. She didn't notice it and Chase wouldn't mind not getting thanks words from her. He never formed bonds so strong as to feel the loss of someone. If he ever had such a bond with his mother, he was too young when she died to remember it. So he felt that this was as far as he could be of use.

It took all night to make the correspondent arrangements. At some point, Chase thought they were too much bother for nothing, since everything looked normal and the true farewell ceremony has been performed already. He remembered that the only funeral he had to attend was the funeral of Arthur and Gillian. He was remembering the moment when many women walking solemnly started parading at Rowena's home. Until that very moment he understood why all precautions were taken. He could recognize their greed, they wanted power; they wanted magic, as he once wished for. They were measuring the power given to Clarissa, but nothing had changed on her with Rowena's death. They tried to ignore Alessa but they were assessing her too. Chase never left Alessa's side, not for a second, he could see that she was irritated and tired of those fake bitches extending their condolences for something they didn't feel.

The spectacle lasted few hours. With everything over, Chase and Alessa returned to their apartment.

"I just need to sleep." Alessa's head was pounding and she didn't want to know about the world. All she wanted was to curl under the blankets and cry her soul out.

"Sure." Chase would stay near, just in case she needed something. He figured that having someone close could be comforting. Not that he had someone close, but now he questioned about that feeling with her.

Three days later, Alessa was still in bed. Chase had made sure that she ate three times a day. Yet, she behaved like a zombie. The fourth day, Chase lured Alessa out. They met Jude and Charlotte and ate together. The humor of Alessa changed drastically; Chase supposed it was a result from the emotional support from those outsiders.

"I'm sorry to hear about your Nan, she was a nice lady. Remember when we saw her for the first time? She gave us fries until we were full... I've never had as many as that day... they would get me sick." Charlotte commented. That was the grandmother Alessa remembered and the one who was so sure about her life to the point of preparing her death. Remembering all she taught her, Alessa decided not to feel guilty of her moments of happiness.

Chase noticed the change of attitude, however every now and then Alessa would knead her shoulder; a gesture she repeated a lot recently without realizing.

They went out to have breakfast next day and Alessa noticed two new ladies that were taking interest in them but didn't mention it to Chase. Being free from the school responsibility, they spent all day at the only mall the city had to offer. After all, it was one of those places where everyone knows everyone. The two women Alessa noticed earlier were there too. She was now convinced they were being followed.

"Chase, let's go. But we need to teleport inconspicuously."

"I notice them too... They entered the last two stores behind us." Then, seeing a familiar face in the next shopfront, he dragged Alessa with him. "Come!"

They entered a store where Jennifer had taken a summer job. Aided by her, when she noticed the urgency in Chase's features, they took the backdoor and transported to their apartment.

The first thing Alessa did was to call her mother. Clarissa answered at the first ring; she was already expecting a call from them. "Mom, we are being followed."

"I was hoping they follow me and not you darling. I'm sorry you have to pass through this just when your grandmother died, but you need to flee. Robert and I did it already; we are taking vacation at a secluded area where no-one can notice the magic."


"Yes! We will stay here for a while." Florida was a safe place for witches because due to the electromagnetic fields in the nearby area, it was possible to divert the attention from magic. Plus try to find a real witch or wizard there! Many people offered their services as such, but the chances to find a real one are low. Nowadays people wanted to have a magic solution to their problems and many charlatans take advantage of that.

But Alessa didn't have in mind a place to go. Later on she questioned herself why she hadn't followed her mother to Florida, but at first she thought of London, there were many magical places there and their magic could be disguised. Before she said anything about a location, she needed to ask to Chase about his plans. After all, he was free to go anywhere he wanted. She wasn't sure why he stayed by her side for so long.

"My mother says I need to flee. I understand if you don't want to..."

"Shh." Chase placed his finger on Alessa's lips preventing her of talking. He heard something on the other side of the door. He felt something too, a barrier surrounding the building. He looked over the window and saw the two women that were following them earlier standing in front of the building.

"Do you trust me?" He had thought about where he could go in case of emergency. This counted as such, nobody would suspect or know, they were practically unknown everywhere. For answer, Alessa nodded positively, it was all he needed. He took her hand and opened a portal to take them to the very barn where a year ago he tried to make Caleb will his power to him. It was the same place where Caleb ascended and set him on fire, which resulted in Chase meeting Alessa. They have returned to Ipswich.

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