I told you to stay inside Witch Boy!

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"What do Witches do on Sundays around here?" Chase asked Alessa when after their second breakfast together. "I am the only Witch around and usually I go to the local market to get food and then clean around". It took solid 20 minutes to remind Chase why he couldn't accompany Alessa to the market. She promised she would be back soon. When she was walking she asked herself why exactly she wanted to have considerations towards the pouting Witch Boy that threatened to change the peaceful routine she has built there.

She continued her weekly routine as usual coming back home two hours later. To her surprise, she was welcomed with home-made pasta, courtesy of Chase. It was one of the ingredients that abounded in the cupboards because Alessa loved pasta and it was an easy dish to cook when you live alone. "Well, there was a lot of pasta and I decided we need better food than cereal". However, Alessa was suspicious about Chase's attitude, after all, the day before he tried to destroy the place just to show his point. Nonetheless, the gesture wasn't unwelcomed, it saved her time.

They ate in silence, enjoying the moment. Then, they put the groceries on place and Chase helped doing the dishes while Alessa cleaned the place. Sweeping and mopping always gave time to Alessa for reflect about her week and plans, but it was because she was alone most of the time. Now it seemed a good time to break the silence and learn more about each other. "Tell me Witch Boy, whose power were you trying to steal?"

Chase was enjoying the company so he obliged and continued the conversation. "The next in turn to ascend was Caleb. At first I thought it would be a difficult task to get close to him, but just when I was transferred this girl Sarah was transferred too. We met our student tutor, another girl called Kate, who by the way was the girlfriend of another of the warlocks and my second target, Pogue. I learned that Caleb and Pogue were closer to each other than with the other two members of the covenant, and the fact that they had a love interest made it easier to try and convince them to will their power to me."

"But it backfired." Alessa commented understanding where the story was going to. "That is the perk of having a partner, together they are stronger. But... how did you make Sarah trust you?"

"It wasn't hard. First of all, she isn't a know-it-all Witch and Secondly I can be charming when I want to. They invited me to one of those illegal parties they held into the woods and I met them there."

Chase noticed that Alessa stopped doing her chores and was attentive to his every word. "Later I challenged Caleb to a swimming race since he was the champion. I tested him, I was stronger but he was definitively faster than me. I used my power and made him unconscious, but he started to suspect me. Later I made Kate sick and faced Pogue, just to weaken their ties and take them down one by one easily. I fought Caleb over Sarah and made him swear he would will his power in exchange for her life. I took him to where it all begun, Putnam Barn, where my ancestry was excised. And I was about to win... to make him yield his power... but in a game changing move, he double ascended and the rest you know. Our power collided and I was sent in a ball of fire to this town." For a minute, they remain silent assimilating the story he just told. "What is your story Sweetheart?"

The question brought Alessa back from her thoughts. She was imagining life back at Spenser Academy. How interesting it would be to live with people who share your secret, having friends who can perform magic too, belonging to a covenant. "What do you want to know about me? My life is pretty boring." But Chase only took more interest in knowing about her life. He took a seat next to where she was standing, making her sit too. "I was born in a family of witches, actually an ancient one. My mother, and her mother, and her mother and so one... they all were witches. Everything was fine until my mother and grandmother had a fight over magic and if I should continue the lineage or not. That lead to a fight between them and I. Not much later, I ran away. But they found me easily; it is not hard to perform a tracking spell you know. Anyways, we reached an arrangement and I got to live in this town, alone since then. End of the story. Plus I got to study Literature and Arts here after I finish High School next year. It is a quiet life."

Follow me Witch Boy, I may know how to save you. (The Covenant)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz