Back to mom again

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They appeared at home and did their nightly routine without saying a word. Chase wanted to give her space to process whatever was happening at the moment. When they were in bed, Chase brought up the poster.

"You never mentioned anything about your aunts. Are they really your family?"

"Of course not! They are... just witches who wished for Granma's power." Alessa was mad at everything that happened that night with Aaron. She made a pause, it was time to explain who was following her and why. "Chase, I am sorry that you got involved in this. Stephanie and Angelica were part of a group of witches who lost their path. They came long ago to my Grandmother and asked for a share of her magic, she explained that her magic was not compatible with theirs, being from different witch covenants, but they wanted my Gran to include them in their covenant."

"If your magic is not compatible with theirs, then what do they want you for?"

"There are ways... rituals to convert a witch that is a priestess from a covenant to another. They are painful for the witch in question and they subdue her powers to the will of those performing the ritual, meaning that if they ever do that to me, I'll have to do what they want." Alessa made a pause so Chase could think about the implications of her words. "They tried to convince Granma but she was more powerful than them at the time. Then they turned to my mom, but my mom is not a Priestess thus she's not able to provide magic to them. You see, this ritual is only possible with Priestesses that are not bound to a covenant or have weak groups of witches. It is rare that this occur. If the Priestess has a covenant, then it is impossible to do it unless they kill all the witches or warlocks protected by the Priestess to then diminish their influence. Before they could ascertain if I had the abilities of a Priestess or not, Grandma and Mom put a spell on my location to be untraceable. When Gran died, the spell broke and they followed us to Alobourgh. I am certain that they were the ones trying to trap us at the apartment."

Alessa made a pause to take some air. "I thought I was safe, that they can't locate us in here, because my magic is disguised with yours and that of the boys. Ipswich bursts in power they wouldn't be able to find me here... unless..."

There was the moment of hesitation that gave Chase the answer to the dilemma. The problem was that he humiliated Aaron some time ago and now, he wanted revenge. Or perhaps he was so miserable he just wanted to make other's life miserable too. Anyway, he was threatening his soulmate and that was no good. "Unless a knucklehead would call them and give them your location."

A single tear rolled down her cheeks. There it was that vulnerability again that he suspected was shown only to him.

"I should call mom and tell her. Chase... I am..."

"No, this is not your fault and you don't have to feel sorry that we had to interrupt our night out because of it." He anticipated her words. She would blame herself for including him and he wouldn't take it. After all, she was his soulmate and that wasn't decided by her or him. "Now, call Clarissa while I take a shower."

Alessa was relieved that Chase didn't reject her. She knew that their bond as soulmates wasn't completed yet, meaning that the danger of Stephanie and Angelica getting their hands on her was an overwhelming possibility. And she have heard what the Witches do, taking advantage of people, wanting to rise above those who can't recognize magic in the world, and looking for warlocks to be banished because they thought them unfitted to properly handle magic. As if their side of the coin was corrupted and should therefore being eradicated.

At the third ring, Clarissa picks up the phone to hear a desperate Alessa. "Darling, is everything right?"

She let aside all formalities and went right to what was bothering her. "No Mom... they are looking for me... they are giving posters and uploading information to this website of lost people. A... guy here showed me, I am... I am afraid that he's gonna tell them where I am."

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