one ( 1 )

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"wait up !!" i heard a voice behind me as a i turned around , i saw my hyperactive friend , hye jin.

"yes what's the problem ?" i replied.
"you didn't want to wait for me didn't you ?" hye jin frowned.

"what ? no , i needed to rush home. my mum signed me up for a part-time job , so i'm pretty excited to see what it is."

"wow , my mum wouldn't even do that for me , you're really lucky i swear." hye jin smiled.

— — — — —

i rushed home and changed into my new outfit , it's plain white t-shirt with checkered long pants together with some plain white sneakers.

i rushed home and changed into my new outfit , it's plain white t-shirt with checkered long pants together with some plain white sneakers

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"oh my c'mon , you're going to be late !!" my mum rushed me out of the house and into her car.

when we arrived at the office , the high class and exquisite decorations made my jaws dropped. "mum , where on earth did you find this job ?!?!" i screamed. "my friend's son is an idol working in the company , i found this really lucky job for you so please appreciate it." my mum answered patiently.

when i got off the car , my mum wind down the window and called me "hey , you're going to be working as his assistance." my mum chuckled.

"wait wait wait mum no !!!!!" i screamed at my mum's car as she drove off.

i walked into the office with exquisite decoration , wow , i feel like a queen.

"hi , you must Y/N. i'm haruto's manager , ye jin." a woman in her mid 30s walked up to me and started to have a sweet and comfortable conversation with me , "without further ado let me bring you up to the meeting room."

" wait what ?! i thought i came here for an interview ... MUM !!" i screamed.

as we walked up to the meeting room , nervousness filled my heart , butterflies in my stomach started to increase. 'oh my goodness i really wonder how is this going to work out.' i pondered.

i stepped into the meeting room like a lost child , ye jin then came up to me and told me to stand at the side and wait for haruto to enter the meeting room. then ask him for him for what type of drink he wants.

is that him ?? my eyes could not believe what i saw , a tall , bold and handsome guy walked into the meeting room , he even has a jawline !!! he must be haruto !!

author's note :
hey guys !! i'm back with a new story and i'm pretty excited to continue to type this story , i'll try my best to update a chapter everyday , please continue to support my story !! ❤️

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