A Dream Come True- Rocket

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This was requested by GabrielaMillan2.For this one-shot, Rocket has a crush on the reader but doesn't think she'll reciprocate his feelings. Than Rocket turns into a human and realizes he has a chance to win her over.

"Hey, guys!" Rocket calls out as he enters the ship, "Check out what I came across." Recently the Guardians just finished with a job and the shop was docked on some mining planet in order to refuel. You and your teammates had decided to go your separate ways for the days so you all could stretch out your legs before heading back into space for the next job.

It was near dusk when everyone regrouped, and Rocket was the last one to come back. The talking raccoon also had a small sack slung over his shoulder. "Please tell me you didn't steal anymore priceless batteries and ended up pissing of another group of high and mighty priestesses," Peter rolls his eyes. "That was one time," Rocket gets defensive, "Geez, you make one mistake and suddenly everyone thinks so lowly of you." "What is it you got there, Rocket?" you try and change the subject. 
"Oh right," Rocket pulls out the sack, "I was exploring those little caves nearby and you'll never guess what I came across?" "I am Groot?" Groot guesses. "No," Rocket deadpans, "How the hell could I run into one of those in a cave of all places?" "I am Groot." "You did say we'll never guess," Gamora agrees, "So it could be anything." 

"Alright, alright, I'll get to the point," Rocket groans, "I found these lying around." Rocket pulls out several crystal like structures from the sack; they were beautiful looking and seemed to have a natural glow around them. "Wow, what are these magnificent looking rocks?" Drax asks. "Oh I have no idea," Rocket shrugs, "But whatever they are, I bet they're worth something to the right people." "I never seen a rock glow like this before," Mantis quips in, "it's so bright and shiny looking." "I wonder what's causing the glow," Gamora wonders. "Hey, do we really care what they are or they can do?" Rocket points out, "They're have been worth something big." "I think it might be worth checking our computer systems to determine their overall market price," you agree, picking up a red glowing crystal, "though I can't help but feel the beauty of these crystals might make them priceless." "Yeah, I'm sure they do," Rocket mutters, just realizing the light shining from the crystal you were holding seemed to highlight the best of your looks. His gaze upon you didn't go unnoticed by some on the team.

As you, Drax, Gamora, and Mantis board the ship, Rocket was stopped by Groot tugging on his suit. He was also met by some knowing looks from Peter as well. "What? What's with you guys looking at me like crazy people?" Rocket frowns. "You're kidding right?" Peter speaks, "It is SO obvious, anybody could see it." "I'm still not following your logic here, Quill," Rocket replies. "I am Groot," Groot decides to get to the point. "What?! No I do not!" Rocket denies, "I don't. I do not have a crush on (y/n)." "Sure you don't," Peter says in a tone that suggests he's not buying it.

"I'm not," Rocket repeats with a firmer tone, crossing his arms, "And even if I did, which is not an admission that I am, how would it even work between us? You know she's a human and I'm....a freak lab experiment gone wrong," his ears droop at that, "I'd be stupid to think she would even give me so much as the time of day if that was the case." "Hey, I think it could work," Peter speaks up, "You two could be really cute together you know. Yeah, you'd kinda be like...like Roger and Jessica Rabbit."
"I have no idea who those people are," Rocket deadpans, "...is the Roger guy anything like me?" "Well he's a little bit taller than you," Peter answers, "But you both have fur and a penchant for getting all kinds of trouble. If a guy like that though could land a smokin hot babe like Jessica, I'm sure you have a chance with (y/n)."

The Guardians had collectively agreed that maybe they should stay on the planet for another day so as to take some more time to rest from the last job. While everyone got settled in their rooms for the evening, Rocket stayed up just a little longer, holding one of the glowing crystals he collected. Despite what Peter told him earlier, he still like everything would be easier if he looked more...well not him. He sighs to himself, "I wish I was more human," he says to himself before curling up and falling asleep.

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