Christmas What? Part 4

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Here's final part of this little mini-series. Enjoy.

"You...wanted your family back?" Gamora asks as Drax keeps looking outside, still waiting for a sign or a clue that maybe Santa did give Drax what he wanted the most for his first Christmas. "I was told I could get whatever I wanted from Santa Claus," Drax explains, "All I had to do was ask in the form of a letter. So I thought, what more could I possibly ask for if I didn't have my family there with me?"

You and the others exchange looks. "Uh, Drax," Peter speaks up, "I get that you want your family back more than anything, but bringing somebody back from the dead, someone you love...that's a pretty tall order." "Were you not the one who said all I to do was ask?" Drax points a finger at you, "Were you not the one who told me that I could have whatever I wanted as long as I was good? Was I...was I not good enough?" "Uh, Drax, when I said whatever you wanted, I meant more in terms of material possession," you clarify, "Not resurrections."

"I am Groot!" Groot shouts from inside the ship, holding a letter in his hand. "What is it, Groot, buddy, who's that for?" Rocket asks. Groot points to Drax's name on the front of the letter. "Uh, Groot thinks it's for you, Drax," Rocket translates. Drax takes the letter and reads it out loud:


I know how much you want to have your wife by your side and hold your daughter in your arms again, and I can't think of anything more selfless to wish for this time of year.
While I can do many miraculous things, bringing loved ones back from the dead is sadly not one of them.
Do not despair, for even though they are gone, you still have family surrounding you. You are a good man, who's lost a lot, but you still have a lot to give.

-Santa Claus

"Awww," you say out loud,  maybe a little louder than intended. "Well, I guess there are some thing that are beyond this Santa's limit," Gamora says, "But he does have a point. We're your family after all."
"It's not enough!" Drax exclaims, "I had high hopes that I could see them again just one more time. It was all I could think about. This is your fault!" he points an accusing finger to you. "Mine?" "You said I could have whatever I wanted. THIS is what I wanted! I spent the last days dreaming of seeing my wife and daughter again. Now it will never happen. So thank you, (y/n), thank you for crushing my dreams once and for all."

With that, Drax storms back into the ship. You were starting to have second thoughts about introducing the team to Christmas now.

You sit back on the ramp of the ship when everyone else heads back inside. Gamora comes back out with a cup of hot cocoa and a plate of Christmas cookies, "You should come back inside before you freeze to death," she informs handing you the mug and plate. "I really messed things up didn't I?" you say, "I just wanted to share something incredibly wonderful to my new family, but I still managed to make a mess of it." "It wasn't your fault," Gamora assures, "You know, Drax, he takes things literally." "I should've listened to Peter," you admits, "Maybe it would've been better if I never said anything at all."
"I wouldn't say that," Gamora counters, "I'm glad you shared this special Earth custom with me and with the rest of us. I also knew from the beginning this Santa Claus of yours was just a mythical being that is part of it too." You looked surprised, "Then...why-" "I didn't have much a childhood myself, in case you forgot," she admits, "I just wanted to remember what it was like to go back to a time when I still had faith in mythical beings that made our lives better even when it wasn't. I knew from the beginning, but it didn't stop me from wanted to embrace its spirit. I knew how much it meant for you to share something special with us. I appreciate it very much." "I'm glad you like it," you smile, "but I still need to fix this somehow. What do I do?" "Maybe you should...tell the truth," Gamora suggests, "It won't be easy, but it's what's best."

"Hey, we have a little problem," Rocket announces from inside, "Drax kinda sorta locked himself in his room. He refuses to come out even when I doubled spiked the eggnog." "I guess we better get this over with," you sigh, getting up to confront Drax with the cold hard truth.

-------------Time Skip--------------

It was hard to explain to Drax that the concept of Santa was just a concept and nothing more was hard to prepare for, but you knew you needed to get it over with as soon as possible, much like ripping a band-aid.

Well Drax may have thrown a bit of it, thinking you deceived him, but all things considered he took it much better than you had anticipated; at the very most nothing was broken or smashed to the floor.

But once he got over the initial shock, Drax realized this holiday is not just about Santa Claus or the presents or the decorations and cookies.

When he looked up and saw that his friends were there by his side, he realized that you and the team were more than just friends or a team, you were his family too. Even if his wife and child were gone, there still people there for him to whom he could give love to.

The rest of the day was spent in celebration with more cocoa and eggnog and Christmas specials and music and everything else that could be enjoyed on this day before it ends.

At the end, when everyone was going to bed, you see Peter was the last one up. "You gonna rub it in?" you ask. "You mean about the whole you should've thought things through before introducing these loose cannons to any kind of Earth customs?" Peter asks, "In the spirit of I'll save for the day after." "Very funny," you deadpan, "I have to say though, that letter you wrote for Drax, that was a nice touch in trying to sway his disappointment of not seeing his family." "What are you talking about?" Peter frowns in confusion, "I never wrote that letter. I never saw the list, so I didn't know what exactly Drax wanted. I thought you wrote it." "I..I didn't," you admit, "I asked Gamora and Rocket if they, but they said no. Neither did Groot or Mantis."

"If you didn't write the letter...and I didn't," Peter wonders, "Then...who did?"

Scene fades with the sounds of jingle bells like from a reindeer sleigh

The End.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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