A Long Lost Connection Part 2

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"So, how exactly do we narrow this down?" was Peter's first question, "Cause I should let you know, it is going to take an hour...no actually it'll take a day...a week to narrow it down." "Yeah I figured as much," you deadpan.

For this expedition of finding your biological mother, you and Peter had both decided to go it alone, leaving the other Guardians behind. Based on the information you had now, you had a general idea of what it was going to be like looking, how many women Peter has been with. "We don't need to find all of them," you assure, "We just need to visit the women you didn't contact nine months after you had sex with them 18 years ago. We can narrow it down even more so by ruling out the incompatible species." "The what now?" Peter frowns. "The women you had sex with but wouldn't have been able to conceive due to genetic incompatibilities between your species and hers," you explain, "So, who do you think would be our prime suspect?"

Peter has to think about it for a few minutes before he could answer, "Well I suppose Mari would be our best bet," he admits, "She did kinda strike me as a 'poke holes in the condom' kind of gal. A bit on the loopy side but other than that, a pretty good lay." "Gee nice to know my mom was loopy and a good lay," you deadpan, "Was this the case for all the other women you slept with and very clearly respected?"
"What, they were mostly one night stands, not like I was planning on seeing them again anytime soon, they all knew that," Peter gets defensive.
"You're sure you never led any of them on?" you ask. "Sure, I'm sure," Peter nods with confidence, "Definitely...I'm sure...okay, maybe there was one or two, but I was a kid back then, you do stupid things at that age."

In truth, last time that happened was several months ago.

Eventually you and Peter managed to find the residence of his past fling Mari. You waited by the door with anticipation, hoping beyond hope that this woman would be your mother.

Answering the door was a woman who was probably around Peter's age. She views you up and down with a knowing look in her eyes. "Oh my darling girl, it's been so long, I never thought I would get a chance to ever meet you," Mari pulls you in for a big squeezing hug. "Oh, uh, it's nice to meet you too," you say returning the hug, "Look, Peter, I'm hugging my mom. I never thought I would ever get this chance to do that."

"Uh, hey Mari," Peter nervously greets, "It's been awhile." "Oh Peter," Mari pulls away to talk to Peter, "I tried to contact you but the number you gave me led to some scrap metal shop on Xandar." "Oh uh, sorry about that," Peter says, "Look, I was going to call you back but some things came up, you know how it is." "Well now that I know you're my mom, I would like to get to know you a little bit more," you admit. "As would I," Mari says taking you to the main area of her room where she pulled out a scrap book.

"So how did you meet Peter in the first place." "Oh, didn't he tell you?" Mari answers, "Star Lord has himself a fan club to which I was president." "Wait, you have a fan club?" you frown at Peter, "Wait, you had sex with the president of your fan club?" "Yes I had a fan club way back before the Guardians were a thing," Peter admits, "and yes I had sex with someone who knows me better then I do, like the monster I clearly am." "That's not...never mind," you sigh and continue your conversation with Mari, who was more than happy to show you pictures of her back when she was a little bit younger.

The scrap book she pulled out earlier contained pictures of the women Peter had been with in the past. The pictures also had little red X's marked across their eyes and hearts, something that disturbed you a little bit.
While at some more of the pictures of Mari, you realized something wasn't adding up. You pulled Peter aside, telling Mari that you needed to use the bathroom.

"Peter," you tell him, once the two of you were alone and away from Mari's earshot, "That's not my mom." "What?" Peter frowns, "But she said she was." "She's not," you shake your head, showing him the picture in the scrap book, "Look at the timestamp of this pic. It was taken three months before I was born. She should have a swollen belly at this point. But she doesn't. She's not my mother. We gotta get out of here."
"Okay, leave that to me," Peter assures, "I'll distract her while you sneak out through the front door. Just wait for my signal."

You wait about ten minutes but you couldn't hear or see anything. You walk out the bathroom door and hear sultry voices coming from behind the couch.
"Say it, say my name again," Peter's voice moans out. "Oh, Star Lord," Mari moans in a lewd fashion, "you know where to stick it."
"Oh my god, Peter!" you exclaim, "You're seriously having sex right now!" "It was the only way I could distract her!" Peter stands up, trying to cover his private bits. "Oh sorry, sweets," Mari stands up, also trying to cover her parts, "it's just something mommy and daddy do together to express their love and-"

You didn't hear the rest as you practically fled out the door to the house. Peter followed behind, struggling to get his pants back on in the process.


"I am never going to get that image out of my head," you groan. "Yeah, you're telling me," Peter agrees, "Those jugs of hers have sagged over the years, she really let herself go." "Peter!" you scold.
"Well, now that we ruled Mari out, I guess we don't have anymore leads." "Not quite," you assure, pulling out the scrapbook, "I managed to sneak this out of Mari's place." "Why?" "It has the pictures of all the women you've slept with," you explain, "with this, we can put the pictures through the data files and find the women." "So we have to find every single one of them?" Peter asks, eyes wide. "Not all of them," you assure, "We just need to find the women you didn't see nine months after you had sex with them." "...so that's probably going to be all of them," Peter concedes.

"Geez, this is a thick book," you say as you strain to hold the book in your lap, "You ever think about just jerking one off every once in awhile?" "Where's the fun in that?" Peter mutters. "Let's see," you go through the pictures, "okay, according to the timestamps, we should start with this one."

You and Peter visit five of the women so far but out of the five, two miscarried, one had an abortion (with the money Peter sent to make it happen), one was infertile, and one was genetically incompatible with Peter's species. None of them was your mother.

But you didn't want to give up, you wanted to keep going. At this point, however, you weren't sure if you wanted to continue this search with Peter given his attitude and history with these women.
It didn't exactly help that three out of five of the women visited three knives and other cutlery at Peter the moment they saw his face.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure how much more of this I can handle," Peter deadpans, wiping a cut on his arm as a result of the last gal that tried to pull a knife on him. "We have to keep going," you insist, "One of these women has to be my mother." "Fine, we'll move on to the next one," Peter concedes, "If we're lucky the next one will have used the money I transferred to have her pregnancy terminated like the last one, you know, just like it was supposed to happen so I wouldn't have some kid show up in front of my ship in the middle of nowhere."
"Oh I'm sorry," you glare at him, "I didn't realize it was my fault that I was born because you couldn't keep it in your pants and the moment you were done you rolled off and moved on like some deadbeat, not thinking about the repercussions of your actions." "Hey, that's not what I meant," Peter gets defensive.

"You know what," you say, putting your foot down, "I'm going to continue this search on my own. You can go back to the Guardians, or anywhere else, I really don't care anymore."

"(y/n), come back!" Peter calls out as you turn the other way, ignoring his calls.

More in Part 3.

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