Chapter 20

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Louis ran out the backyard with Niall and played with willbur.

"Awe that pig is so cute " Niall said smoothing him

"His names Wilbur " Louis smiled picking him up

"I know let's take him for a walk "

Niall and Louis got some snacks just in case they get hungry and a bottle of water. They left the house with Willbur and went into the forest.

10 hours later ...
"Niall where are we?" Louis whimpered as they try to find their way back. "Niall said you could find the way back." Niall hugged Louis and nods. "I know Lou Lou. I can't do it anymore. We are lost." Niall say rubbing Louis back. Louis began to cry not liking to be away from Harry this long. Niall had a few tears falling from his face as well. Willbur snorts and rubbed up against Louis leg.

"What about our phones we can ring Harry and Liam . Louis got out his phone and went to text Harry but his phone died before he could send it. "Ohh no no, phone died ni " he pouted

"Lou I-I left my phone at home where gonna have to try and walk see if we can retrace our footsteps .Niall gulped.

Louis sniffled holding Wilbur close as they began to walk.

Half hour later

Louis and Niall were still walking and they had not luck. Louis breaking picked up "I'm scared I'm scared "

"It ok lou calm down shh it's okay " he sniffed

Meanwhile in Harry's house

"Why is if so quiet " Liam said stopping the conversation.

Harry's eyes widened rushing downstairs to see what they were up to.

The boys looked all over the house but not couldn't find Louis and Niall. "Where the fuck are they?!" Harry yelled as he tried to call Louis number. "I don't know." Liam tried to call Niall but found his phone on the counter.

Harry rushed outside seeing Wilbur had gone too "shit they must of taken wilbur will them but where?"

"Relax Harry they probably went to the store I'm sure they will be back." Zayn said

"Yeah most probably alright let's give them till 6 and that's 4 hours away and if there not back before then we go out looking. " Harry said

Louis and Niall were sat against a tree trunk eating some snacks as they were starving , they drank and little bit of water and saved some for later. Louis scratched his arm as he'd been bitten by something like mosquitoes "

Niall have a little food to Wilbur and they sat and waiting but a few hours had past and it was getting dark.

Four hours had past and now Zayn Harry and Liam was out looking for Niall and Louis.

Louis and Niall heard some growls and decided to climb up a tree. Niall had Willbur as he sat on the branch. Louis started to climb the tree but a wolf grabbed on to Louis leg and dragged him back down tearing and ripping at Louis flesh. "LOUIS!!" niall screamed. Louis screamed in pain and fear. Louis hit the wolf in it's eyes and managed to get free and climb the tree. He cried as he sat on the branch holding his leg.

"Louis lifted his jeans seeing a big scratch wound and it was pretty deep " Ah!!" Louis winced

"Oo lou lou that looks really bad .. we need to get help.

Louis sobbed "w-want harry h-hurts so bad "

The next day...

Harry Liam and Zayn has still not found the boys. They sent out a search party out in the woods and into the city looking for Louis and Niall. Louis and Niall along little Willbur was trying to find their way back home but just got deeper and deeper in the forest where it's the most dangerous. "Ni let's stop. I-it hurts." Louis whimpered as he sat down on the ground. Niall crouch down to Louis and gave him some of the water. "Here you go. You must be thirsty Lou." Niall says. Louis nods taking baby sips of the water.

Niall ripped a bit of shirt and tied it around Louis leg to stop the bleeding. Louis was looking really pale and sweaty , Niall was worried it's gonna get infected.

"Ni I-I can't take it no more I w-wanna go home " Louis said

Niall spotted a lake "lou look there's a lake we can wash your wound a bit it looks clean come it's the only way to clean it.

Louis nods and Niall helped Louis limp his way to the lake. Louis put his leg into the lake and whimpered in pain. Niall rubbed Louis back trying to soothe him. "I'm going to go find some more food. Stay here Lou ." Niall says as he as he went back to the forest and start to gather some blueberries. Louis vision became slightly blurry but he kept awake.

Late that night the search party came back and said they couldn't find them. Liam Harry and Niall was was in a frenzy looking for Louis and Niall that sent out a night search squad.

Louis lifted his leg out of the water and wrapped a clean rag around it. "Ss ahh!" Louis winced as he got up leaning against a tree for balance. "Come on ni " he groaned he watched wilbur drink water by the lake. "God Harry please find us " he sniffled and rested his eyes.

Niall came back and gave Louis some of the berries.. they ate for a while before climbing up a tree.

The next day Louis had climbed down the tree with Niall throwing up in a bush. "What was the berries Ni?" Louis groaned as he sat back finally stopping throwing up."blueberries. I think they were blueberries." Niall groaned as he looked over the berries to realized they had black spots on them.

"There black berries they are harmless I think it's your cut that's making you sick Lou we seriously need to get some help. "I swear if Harry and Liam don't find us I'm gonna go insane.

Late that night Harry Liam and Zayn decided they would go out to the forest to search for them. Through out the day they couldn't find a trace untill they saw the blood. "Harry. Come here." Liam said with a shake in his voice. Harry walked over and looked at the blood. His and Liam face became pale wondering who was hurt. "We need to find them. And fast." Harry says

"Oh god I can't cope with this , Liam they've been missing for two days straight who knows what's happened to them." Harry panicked and yelled "LOUIS!!!!!!! NIALL!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" He yelled walking with Liam


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