Chapter 10

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Louis gulped seeing blood everywhere but he knew he'd done a good job. He took a deep breath feeling his anxiety kick in. He wiped his knife on a piece of cloth and walked back out of the room only to be pulled back in again but a gang member Sam which knife to Louis throat. Louis elbowed him in the stomach causing him to double over.

Louis did a flip over his back and stab him several times in back. He let out a loud groaned. He turned around and try to stab Louis but Louis was quick enough to move back and only the tip of the knife sliced his chest. Louis frowned in pain but quickly recovered and stab Sam through his heart.

Louis winced his lip quivering a bit showing his little side. He snapped out of it and searched through other rooms. He stepped carefully on the floor as the floor was easy to break of how old it is.

"I wonder how Harry is getting on " he thought

In the other room Harry managed to kill only a couple guys. There wasn't many in the West wing than the south wing. "Come in Harry." One of the men said. "What's going on?" Harry asked as he stopped in one of the rooms. "We found their jewels stash. We need your help getting it." Harry moved to where they are he replied with a Roger that.

Harry got to work and managed to get the jewels but all of a sudden a crash was heard and yelp from Louis was heard. Harry froze dropping everything, the guys picked up the jewels after him.

Meanwhile Louis was walking on the creaky old floor board and stepped on a hole and the whole floor collapsed causing Louis to yelp and fall through. a piece of floor board was on top of Louis tiny body , he was covered in dust , he closed his eyes slightly.

Soon the dust disbursed and he finally was able to see. He opened his eyes fully too see himself surrounded by the floor boards. Louis tried to move but couldn't as he felt a strike of pain through his body. "O-ow!" He cried. His body was covered with the wooden boards. He was trapped.

Harry came rushing into the main room and saw the damage from the top room. "Holy shit!!"

He then heard a whimper " P-please help!" Louis screamed out. Causing everyone to look in the direction of where it came from.
"LOUIS!" Harry yelled searching for him.

Louis heard Harry muffled voice. "H-harry! P-please help me! I-it hurts." Louis yelled. "I'm coming!" Harry shouted as him and the guys  started to lift the boards. But they stopped  when a hunch of gang members attacked. Harry had to fight

"Shit shit shit !" Harry said

"Louis listen I'm gonna get you out of here okay just please hold on okay I'm so sorry I have to do this." Harry said breaking inside.

Louis sniffled "O-okay do what you have to d-do.. ah! this boards heavy , he breathed heavy.

Louis was breathing to quick and heavy that he lost more air. "H-harry! I-i can't b-breath!" Louis says in a panic. His anxiety made his breathing go faster and faster.

Soon Louis lost consciousness and passed out ,his whole body hurt from top to toe.

"Harry we need to get out of here!" One of the men yelled as he shot another guy in the head. "Harry we can't stay here! We need to go!"another man shouted

"Shit Louis!" Harry caught his running towards the broken floor boards and mess everywhere. "Louis I'm coming I'm so darling " Harry panicked not getting a response. "Guys I'm gonna need your help to lift this with me." Harry said grabbing a hold of the floor board on top of Louis and lifted off slowly.

Harry fell to his knees at the site Louis unconscious his forehead cut. "Baby please wake up"

Mafia ~ l.s .ddlbحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن