Chapter 14

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After a couple months they had Louis father funeral which was really sad for Louis. After a while Louis back to his jolly self. Louis was in the living room on Harry phone playing some games when suddenly a call came in. ID: 'baby'
Louis frowned at the ID name. He answer it. "Hey babe! Are we going hang out tonight?" A female voice said. "U-umm hi? W-who's this?" Louis asked as he was pretty deep in his little head space. "This is Kendall . Harry girlfriend. Who's this?" The female respond with confusion. "This is daddy prince. I'm consider king here!" Louis giggled. " Daddy say I am always his little prince."

"Oh well I think you need put daddy on the phone to me." Kendall said

"B-but I.. okay " Louis rushing over to Harry .

"U-um daddy your girlfriend is on phone " Louis said

"What now?" Harry said confused taking the phone off him.

"girlfriend." Louis says swaying his hips thinking he did something good for Harry. "She says her name is Kendall. She's really nice!" Louis giggled as he walked out of the room. "Hey harry." Kendall says. "Or should I say daddy?".

Harry scoffed "Kendall what do you want why are you calling ?"

"I just wanted to see how you are but I can see you have company , I wanna come see you baby  I miss you "

"well you can come and see me." Harry says. "And don't joke like that. No my boyfriend think you're my girlfriend." Kendall laughed at the joke she played on Louis. "Sorry. It had to be done. Also did you notice my ID name in your phone?" Harry looked at his phone saw the ID name. "Damn it Kendall!" Harry groans.

Kendall laughed harder as she sound like she was crying. "A-anyways I'm coming over. Better prepared that prince of yours." Kendall hung up before Harry could respond.

Meanwhile Louis was rolling around on the floor as the carpet was so fluffy and soft , he had his pacifier in holding his teddy. "Daddy my daddy , " he giggled "daddy best ever "

Harry came downstairs and went into the living room seeing him rolling around. Harry chuckle. "Baby someone is coming over. Go get ready for her." Harry says. Louis got up and hugged Harry. "Is it the women over the phone? Kwendall?" Louis asked. Harry chuckled at how Louis pronounce Kendall name. "Yes. Now put something comfortable but nice.

"Okay!" Louis squeaked and went upstairs and got dressed in a pink stop and black skinny jeans, he ruffled his hair and walked downstairs and felt his stomach growl , he was real hungry.

"daddy I'm hungry!' Louis whined as he went into the kitchen. Harry was cooking for Kendall. "You eat when Kendall arrived." Harry says. Louis nods. After an hour or two there was a knock . Louis jumped in excitement and went to the door and open it to show a thicc woman with a Gucci purse.

"H-hi " Louis said shyly

"Hi there " Kendall walked in and put her purse down. "Hi Harry it's so nice to see you " Kendal said

"Yea.. good to see you too " Harry said stirring some pasta sauce.

Louis looked Kendall over  with a curious in his eyes but he hid behind a pillar. "Make yourself at home Kendall. Keep Louis company as well. He gets a little antsy when he has nothing to do."

"Sure thing" Kendall walked towards the couch and sat down crossing her long legs. "I can see you Louis , why are you hiding , you're such a cutie "

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