Part 4

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I didn't want to see that man. That man who ruined my life long time ago. Luckily he had changed me. He teached me to shut up, never trust somebody, never believe someone, depend only on yourself or those who you have known your whole life, lying is sometimes the only choice of life.

For the rest of the days I had to be there for my daughter and don't let Jasper's death affect my motherhood. I was a mother before I was a wife but I was girlfriend before being mother and before being a mother I was hopeless and before that if to believe what was talked about me in high school, I was a slut.

I was tired but I just couldn't go to our bedroom. Too many fun memories, too many dreams. I begun to cry. We hadn't been married even for a year only for 7 months. Why? It wasn't his fault I was such a failure. He didn't have to pay for me not being enough. He didn't deserve it. He was the best human in this world.

There was a knock on my door. I opened it and there was Alexander but I didn't care I just listened what he had to say:

" Hey. Elizapeth? I'm an old friend of Jasper's. It just that I forgot to book myself a place to stay for few days and I wanted to ask if I can stay over?"

" Yeah, sure! Whatever. There's a big bedroom next to living room, you can sleep there.! I said with a tone what said how I felt what meant-numb. Never looking at him. But then I remembered those photos and stuff " But I have to clean it a bit. So stay in the kitchen for a little bit" He just nodded and I went to our old bedroom but being there with these memories made me cry but I couldn't show myself weak.

Soon I had taken out trash bags and threw all these old pictures what were made before California or were I'm first time pregnant. Then I took his clothes and put them in there and brought them to the attic. I took my necessary clothes and went to second floor with these in my son's room. So I could take care of him right away. Then came downstairs:
" No, you can go. I left some of my " telling his name was hard " my husbands clothes in there just in case" I said.

" Okay. Thank you. "He smiled while putting away his glass and going towards the room. He hasn't changed at all. Still acting everywhere like he was at his own home. He then looked back at me " You aren't going to sleep? It's like"

"No..who ever you are. I have 2 kids to take care of and..." I run to other room so he won't see me cry but he followed me:

" Hey. It's okay. I'm Alexander by the way. Me and your lost husband went to same school together but for a little while we were rivals and then best of friends"

In my mind I laughed at best friend part. They would never ever been that. Jasper hated Alexander too much for what he had done.

" Okay. But you go to sleep. I have some dishes to wash and in two days is testament reading.."

" Yeah. I know. I was asked to be there" I was chocked. What? No, no!

" It's impossible!" I laughed

" I was as surprised as you. Really! But I have to respect his decision and his own will"

" Yeah, but really go to sleep. Breakfast is at and sorry for the noise. It's just my new born baby boy who's very restless these days" I said and went outside, to be alone and cry on my own.

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