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A/N: So erm... Hi everyone, to be honest I dunno how and where to start. It's been quite a long time since I've written anything here on wattpad but in all honesty, I was too busy to pursue writing and now thanks to my excessive free time here I am!!! Just finished my finals and now I have all the time in the world to write.

The idea for this story came to me a few months ago and ever since then I've been building the story line for it, so please do stick around, there's a lot of surprises coming your way. I'm trying my best to edit these chapters before posting them so that there wouldn't be any unnecessary typos, but lets not be dicks about it if y'll happen to come across any. So for now, that's it :) Please do leave a vote or comment behind, that would mean a lot to me. I'll be updating this book once in two days or sometimes even earlier but it all depends on the feedback I get so so share this book.

Also please do check out @blueskiesstormycloud , she's writing an amazing book at the moment, it's called 'Cross my Heart and Hope to Die', feel free to check it out ! I'll leave the link in my next update.

Okay so enough of this, let's get to the book ;)

Hugs xxx



Balancing myself on the narrow metal beam, I peered down slowly to see if I was directly over the cushioned mat I had placed at the center of the training room. Sweat dotted my forehead as I slowly reached out for a throwing knife from my belt as carefully as I can. It was a good thirty foot drop from where I was standing, the mat was just for some moral support that something was waiting down for me in the chance that I fell down. The target wasn't that far, just a smooth landing away.

I swallowed down the bit of fear gnawing at my throat and focused on my jump. It won't be a disaster as long as I kept my full body balanced, my back only slightly arched and my muscles tight but not too tight, it was simple really, thinking about how my jump should go and the landing afterwards. Practicing it was difficult.

"I can do this," I muttered to myself, as I took another step forward, the beam swaying slightly. I've been practicing this for months, the jump, the landing that followed, the balancing of my weapons. Everything practiced upto the last mark, to perfect it till nothing could possibly go wrong.

Except of course, this time I was planning to jump from a metal beam which was suspended a good forty feet in the air.

I turned to look at the ladder which I had used to propel myself here, I could always turn back.

'A woman will be what the world wants her to be'

Suddenly mother's voice rang through my ears and with it the look of disappointment she had when she last spoke to me. I swallowed, both anger and guilt coursing through my veins as I found myself gripping the knife so tight that my palm split open, warm blood trickling down my arm. I didn't feel the pain, it felt distant, like some sort of numbness I couldn't shake off. It was always like this, mother always made sure that I stayed in line, followed the propaganda the world threw at me, walked, dressed, spoke like a 'lady'. What's the difference between a man and a woman ? A boy and a girl ? Leaving our anatomical adaptations aside, we're all the same, we're all made of the same flesh and bone and just because of a few minor differences, that doesn't mean we have to be treated differently.

A trickle of blood ran down to my sleeve and I watched as it stained the pale white material. There was a calmness in me that I couldn't put to words. This training room, one of the few rooms I've associated my whole childhood with was the only place where I could find such calmness, not anywhere else and definitely not with anyone else. I've been here since I was a kid, sitting on one of the benches watching my brother train, in Sellainx- men were considered as the world's warriors, women weren't allowed to train, hence why mother never let me into the training room after I reached the age of seven. She would lock me up in the library instead. I didn't mind that, spending half of my time there brought about a love with reading and learning new things, I was tutored at home, one of the things that came with being a High Family in Sellainx.

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