The One Where They Face Each Other

Start from the beginning

"Or he could have gotten it the day before she found it," Bailey said "Meaning it's definitely for a proposal"

"So, what should I do? Confront him about it?" Kaycee asked

"No," Tahani said

"What do you mean no?"

"I may be right, but I also may be wrong meaning Bailey would be right and you will be proposed to," Tahani said "And you don't confront the guy about the proposal before he's ready, it's like a rule"

"Plus, you two haven't talked about marriage meaning he's either waiting to talk about it or surprise you," Bailey said "Either way you ruined it by finding the ring"

"... I guess I'll just forget I found it" Kaycee said as she goes to return the ring

Audition place

"Well looks like we're down to the last two" one of the panel said to the other panel members

"That was a little bit more torturous than I expected," Sean said

"Yeah 28 dancers eliminated," Josh said, "I thought they needed 10"

"Can you two approach the table?" another one of the panel members said as Sean and Josh walked towards them

"Truth is we only needed one dancer as we already had cast the other nine," a third of the panel said

"Oh shit" Josh muttered knowing where this was going

"And honestly if we didn't already have contracts and such signed we would let one of those nine go to keep you both," the fourth and last of the panel said

"But," Sean said as he felt a but coming

"We can only keep one of you," the first-panel member said

"You're both phenomenal dancers but we have to make a choice," the third-panel member said

"It was split across the four of us so we had a fifth person peek in to see which would be best," the fourth-panel member said

"And the pick was number 13," the second-panel member said

"...😲" Sean was stunned

"Congratulations!" Josh said hugging Sean as he was genuinely happy Sean got the job

"But-" Sean said

"-Hey if I had to lose to anyone I'm glad it's you," Josh said as he faced the people again "Thanks for the opportunity" as he then left the room

"Well Sean well get started on the paperwork another day, thank you for coming," the first-panel member said

"Thank you" Sean thanked

Josh's car

"You okay?" Sean asked as Josh was waiting in the car

"Peachy" Josh said as he started driving

"Want to talk about it?" Sean said as he surmised that reality hit Josh that he did lose the audition even if the odds were 30 to 1

"Nope!" Josh said


After food

"Just respond back soon okay?" Chloe said as Julian had to go back "I'm not the kind of girl that will wait forever"

"Ok, I will," Julian said

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