The Life Of A Scribbler

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Netty POV (youtuber:nettyscribble)

I have been going to this private girls school, and it's been perfect.

Well, no, not really.

I sort of like this guy.

We have known each other for a long time, because we are neighbours.

We've occasionaly talked, but it's mostly about little things like the weather. Actually, I was the one who gave him his nickname, CinnamonToastKen.

One morning we ran out of our houses at the same time, and he was eating toast with cinnamon cereal on it.

It was weird, but that's why I like him.

I sighed, remembering the small chats we've made...

And I forgot I was grocery shopping for my parents and bumped into someone, sending me falling on top of them.

Lucky me, it was Ken himself.

"Oh, I'm sorr-" He was saying until he saw it was me.

We were blushing like madman's, and starring curiously at each other.

Then I remembered I was on top of him, centimetres from his face, and that we we're on the ground in a public area.


I quickly got up and brushed off my clothes, and he did the same.

"I, um, have to go.." And with that I ran out of the store.

Then I saw something that made my eyes grow big.

My car was being towed.

"No, no, no, no, no!! This can't be happening!" I mentally screamed to myself.

"I'm guessing you will be needing a ride home, neighbour?" Ken's voice said to me as he tapped my shoulder.

I turned around slowly to face him again. Dang, his curly brown hair in that bear hat was adorable.

"If, you, uh, don't mind!" I said with uncertainty.

Next, he did the unexpected. He took my hand in his and brought me to his car.

I must have looked really shocked, because he saw my face and chuckled.

"What's wrong? It's october and I forgot my mittens!" He said happily.

I just nodded and got in his jeep.

He got in and right away put on the radio, putting on the song "Shake it off".

Honestly, I had no time to gag or be appaled by the song, because I quickly opened my bag and looked for my doodle book.

I just stayed silent the entire car ride and scribbled and doodled.

It's just what I did when I was nervous.

Ken kept sneaking glances at my book, and I could see him smirking out of the corner of my eye.

"Is something wrong?" I said finally, trying to sound annoyed.

"On the contrary, you are really good at drawing. I can barely do stick figures!" He said casually, keeping an eye on the road.

"They are only scribbles, nothing more." I whispered loud enought for him to hear.

"So can I know call you Netty Scribble?" He said as we pulled up in his driveway.

"Call me whatever you want." I mumbled as I got out of his car.

I started to cross his yard when he grabbed my wrist.

"It was nice seeing you, Scribble." He said with a wink.

"Well, thanks for the ride, Toast." I concluded.

Next, I did the unthinkable.

I kissed him on the cheek, and ran across his yard to my house, leaving him speechless.

My parents weren't even home yet, as usual.

Wait, I forgot the eggs and stuff! And my car!...

Eh, I have plenty of time to go back I guess...

Then, my phone beeped.

It was a text from Ken.


You missed;)if you now what i mean;)

Oh my god. Does this mean he likes me too?!

This is all so confusing, but after this...

I might be able to get my parents to let me change schools.....

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