Your Brother's Got A Big Mouth...

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"Too bad you can't back up that mouth." Jesse spoke, letting Garrett go as he calmed down. Elliott had gotten up and approached her brother, standing right beside him. Their teammates weren't surprised how Ellie stood close to Garrett like that, they were close siblings.

The boy on skates smiled and laughed. "Me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere." He spoke.

"I don't see no boys!" Garrett yelled with venom, offended by being called 'whining babies'.

"I got 'em waitin'. Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck." He called. USA started picking up their gear. "Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride."

"Hey, you got a pass." A guard called, pulling the boy out of the field. Team USA looked at one another.

"Wait, are we seriously following some stranger out of here?" Ellie asked her team. Connie tapped her shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah." Julie spoke. "Come on." She nodded. Ellie picked up her gear and followed them out.

At an old basketball court, where no one was around, other than Team USA and the boy with his band of boys. There was two rusted barrels on either end of the basketball court. The wired caging around the court didn't allow anyone to enter or exit, then you opened the gate, but no puck was getting through, only over.

Ellie stood in the front of the pack, being a girl, next to Connie and Ken, with her arms crossed. The others held their hockey sticks, had their arms crossed, or stood with a nonchalant posture as we listened to the exchange between the boy on skates who interrupted our work out and Jesse, who obviously had Garrett for backup, who didn't like when people criticized him or his sister.

A boy, who stood a little taller than small one on skates, had his arms crossed as he stared down Team USA. "My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you been chokin' big time."

"Well, your brother's got a big mouth." Jesse spat. Team USA looked at one another, wondering if Jesse had offended the tall boy, who was about Fulton's height.

"He does, doesn't he?" The boy asked, looking down at the boy, who's name is Russ, who smiled widely with pride. "We thought we'd call you to see what you got."

" We know you can talk to the press and sign autographs." Russ added.

Ellie turned to the side, scoffing as she looked away. Catching Adam's glance, who stood behind Connie with Portman and Dwayne. She turned back and returned her stare back to the boys.

"We can do more that." Luis nodded towards them, his hat on his head, shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Yeah?" Russ's older brother questioned Team USA. "We can teach you to play like the real Team USA."

"What would know about it?" Dean asked, not being rude or too kind, in a normal voice.

Ellie got a little frightened when Russ's brother stared down Dean, as if he was stupid, which the boy wasn't and Ellie didn't think Dean meant it in that way. He had looked at his band of buddies and then returned with a smile and nod, causing Team USA to smile as well.

With six playing at a time, the other nine sat on the bench and watched, or stood there. Ellie watched the few play. Anyone would just join in, one would come off and one would enter. There wasn't any Coach or superiority saying who's playing and who's sitting, it was a free for all. Elliott watched from the sidelines as Fulton, Garrett, Ken, Connie, Julie, and Guy played against Russ's team.

Tapping her stick against the ground, she watched as Garrett had been slammed into the chain fencing around the court. He didn't fall, but she cringed at the sight. As she was sitting there, someone had hopped the bench from behind and took their seat next to her. Looking over, he smiled to Charlie and went back to watching the others.

"That's a lot of pink." He noticed, looking at her helmet, roller skate laces, elbow and knee pads, and then her slightly pink and grey hand guards.

She nodded. "Motivation." She simply told him.

"Motivation?" He asked. "How?"

She turned her head and looked at him. Sitting up from leaning forward, she set her hockey stick against the bench on an angle. Pointing to different gear that was pink, she explained to the boy why it was motivating. "It's motivation because there aren't many girls who play rough sports like this. It reminds the difference I can prove to other girls. I'm playing on a team with twelve boys and two girls, might as well, right?"

Charlie nodded. "I think it's a great idea." He told her.

She sighed and looked at him. "You're like Coach's pet, right?"

Charlie was caught off guard by that remark. Someone had said the same thing to him back in Peewee at school, and that comment had gotten all the Ducks into detention and a fight. He didn't like be called 'Coach's pet', he wasn't. He looked at it like he was simply a close player with the Coach, and that the coach had someone he could really trust. "I guess." He sighed, not liking the name.

"Have you tried talking to Bombay after the blow up? We haven't seen him since the Iceland game and we've got one tonight." She explained.

He nods. "I know, but I can't guarantee that I'll make a difference."

"Haven;t you done it before with the Ducks?"

"Well, yeah, but that was when I was ten and a half, not thirteen."

She shrugged. "Why not be that boy again? Get our Coach back. You'd be a savior."

He laughed and looked at his skates. "A savior? To who?"

She stood up, going to grab something from her bag. "Me. Then Garrett. Then the boys and then the team." She winked and walked off.

Charlie looked up, watching her walk away as Guy rolled over to the bench, tapping Charlie's shoulder to have him go on for him.

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