Class and Rodeo Drive

Start from the beginning

"No, that's Roday-o drive." Averman corrected.

"You can't fool me. I saw it on that sign. It says Rodeo Drive." Dwayne re-corrected Jesse and Elliott kept to herself, not wanting to laugh, but kinda had to.

"No, see there's an accent at-Never mind." Averman tried, again.

Jesse shrugged his shoulders, bringing his hands out of his pockets. "I don't get it, this is Beverly Hills, where are all the hills!?"

"Where's the 90210 school? What about the hillbillies?" Goldberg asked as they stepped up on the sidewalk and off the crosswalk.

"Where's all the stars?" Averman questioned. Someone passed by, catching Averman's eyes. "Guys, wasn't that the Captain of the Love Boat?" He asked.

The four shook their head and continued walking down the wide sidewalk filled with people. "Let's go check out some stores." Jesse suggested, wanting to see what they've got here.

Elliott walked between Averman and Dwayne, as Goldberg walked a little ahead of Dwayne and to the right. On Averman's left walked Jesse, who was a little further ahead, to give some room to those in the middle to walk. "Great, I gotta buy my mom a t-shirt from Beverly Hills, she'll love it." Goldberg spoke.

Elliott laughed. "Like a souvenir?" She asked.

Goldberg nodded. "Yeah." Averman cheered with a smile, shoving a hand in his pocket.

Jesse turned at a store where two girls had walked out of. He went to open the doors when they wouldn't open. Elliott grew curious and stood next to Dwayne, waiting. "Maybe they're closed?" Jesse asked.

Goldberg stepped aside. "Oh hey, there's a doorbell." He pushed the bell several times, they looked up the tall building and Elliott gazed around, as Dwayne kept his head forward.

"I'm sorry, we do not allow unsupervised children into the store." A recorded voice spoke, Jesse had leaned against the wall, bewildered and looked at the four in front of him.

"Can you make an exception?" Goldberg asked, cocking his shoulders bag and brought his head to the side a little, seeming to be a little annoyed with that answer.

"No,now go away or the police will be called."

The boys stepped away from the building and walked alongside the road, looking at the cars. "If we were in Texas, this wouldn't of happened." Dwayne spoke. "We'll find some other place." Dwayne added, leaning against a random car.

The car started talking, scaring the five kids who ran into one another and yelled out lightly, afraid from the voice scaring them. Elliott held on to Jesse's shoulder, looking over to see what it was. The five ran into one another before running off from the vehicle. They ran off to another building with a recording doorbell.

Averman stepped up and the other four huddled together to hear the recording. "Yes, hello?"

Averman smiled and spoke up. "Hi, we'd like five burgers. Five fries. What'd you like to drink?' He looked at the other four, wondering what they wanted.

"You kids get out of here! Quit playing with that thing!" The recorded voice yelled, the five stepped away laughing and walked off.

"Do you guys do that a lot?" Elliott asked them.

"Yeah, we used to a lot when we were young." Jesse answered.

Dwayne obviously wasn't apart of that, but the other three were. Elliott was surprised, she liked that she had came that day, she got to known them a little better than before. They were quite funny and cool to hang out with, they weren't bad or anything. They were awesome.

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