Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Luna’s P.O.V

                I paced back and forth nervously as I waited for my mother and little sister to arrive at this bloody academy. I clenched my fists and jaw, thinking of ways to kill Annabelle when she showed up.

                “Calm down, Luna,” Uncle said gently.

                “You want me to calm down?” I growled. “The two people that are most important to me are coming here to help me kill my father, and they don’t even know it. How the hell am I supposed to calm down?”

                “He’s right, Luna,” Kaname said from beside him. He had a white umbrella to block the harsh sun. “You must calm yourself.”

                “I’ll calm myself when I tear her limb from limb,” I growled. I heard a car pull up at the entrance of the academy and I crossed my arms, glaring harshly at my little sister when she stepped out of the car. She flinched but entered the academy calmly.

                “Hello, Luna,” she said politely.

                “I told you not to come,” I told her.

                “I made her come here,” Mother said as she stood beside Anna. “She told me what’s going on. Luna why didn’t you tell me? I’m your mother, you should’ve told me from the beginning.” She was hurt, I could see that, but I didn’t regret my decision to keep my illness from her. If Anna hadn’t told her she would never know till I was dead.

                “I don’t regret not telling you Mother,” I explained.

                “Would you have ever told me?” she asked, tears brimming her soft eyes.

                I sighed and looked away. “No,” I said honestly. “You wouldn’t have known till I was dead. I wanted to keep it that way until I killed him, then I could die with a smile on my face.”

                I looked up as I heard mother choke on her sob. I sighed again and glared at the ground.

                “Why don’t we all continue this discussion on my office, hm?” Uncle suggested with a gentle smile. Mother composed herself and she nodded, following behind him as he led her and Anna to his office where Yuki, Zero, and Yagari were already waiting.

                I watched them leave and Kaname moved to stand next to me. “We should go as well, Luna,” he said. I sighed again and nodded, accepting the arm he offered me. The walk was silent as we went to Uncle’s office. When we got there, mom was in tears and she was pissed. When she saw me she stomped up to me and slapped me across the face as hard as she could. When I looked back at her with shock in my eyes she sobbed harder and squeezed me to her.

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