Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Luna's P.O.V

I stood and straightened out my clothing, rolling my sleeves back down to hide the disease. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the bang of a gun. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the hilt of my blade and ran in the direction of the shot. I pushed the button on the hilt to open the sword. It was the length of my long legs and was very, very sharp; a rare obsidian blade that is supposed to never scratch or break. I've had it for six years, since I was thirteen. If you can't figure it out yet I'm nineteen. I'll be twenty in a few months though. If I survive that long anyway.

I ran and intercepted the hunter's gun as he was about to kill my assignment. I slid my blade under the trigger and lifted up, just enough so that the bullet would miss the already bleeding Zero.

"Out of my way girl," the hunter growled. I smirked and pushed off of him. I flipped in the air and landed in front of the two students and raised my blade in a defense stance.

"I can't have you killing him just yet," I grinned. "Toga Yagari."

He tsked and lowered his gun, but only a little. "You know my name, but I don't know yours. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage."

"You may know me, everyone else does." I wasn't bragging, I was telling the truth. Hunters all over the globe knew my name and my skills. I was often asked to help others on their own missions. "I'm Luna Atari."

"The Black Hunter," Yagari mumbled, his one eye widening slightly.

"So you have heard of me."

"I heard you carried a sword of night and moved like the shadows."

My smirk grew. "That may be a bit of an exaggeration, I'm sure. I've heard about you as well. You kill all vampires you find, except the vampires in the Night Class."

"Then I'm sure you'll let me do my job," Yagari said.

"Ya see," I trailed off slightly. I relaxed my stance and brought my blade down to my side putting a hand on my hip. "I can't let you do that. I've been assigned to keep an eye on him, and I can't do that if he's ashes in the wind, now can I?"

"You're doing a pretty good job," he said. "This vampire almost drank from the girl."

"I'm sure he did," I shrugged. "But what can I say? It's my first day on the job, and I can't always be with him."

Yagari tsked again and raised his gun again. He fired, but I easily deflected it with my blade. It ricocheted off the obsidian and landed in the tree a little behind Yagari.

Zero grunted from behind me and Yuki cried his name. Yagari spoke. "Even if the bullet only grazes you, the pain is still excruciating isn't it?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "A spell was most likely put on the bullets, just as the same spell was but on my blade to kill vampires. Generally it doesn't hurt humans, but it'll still work like a normal bullet or blade if used correctly."

Yagari tsked again; he does that a lot.

Yagari removed the lit cigarette from his mouth and continued to speak to Zero, looked past me at his painful state. "Zero, even with your thirst for blood, do you still have enough reason to resign your fate?"

I sighed loudly. "Didn't I just say I can't let you kill him? Or were you just not listening?"

He raised the gun to Zero's head. I turned as Yuki spoke. She was shielding his head from Yagari. Stupid girl. I stepped out of the way with a sigh and shake of my head. I wanted to see how this would play out. I'm responsible for Zero, not Yuki. If she gets killed trying to protect him it's not my fault. It may sound terrible but that's how this works. If you focus on things other than your objective you risk losing everything.

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