➵ Bucky Barnes - Kitchen Counter Conversations

Start from the beginning

His head jerked up towards me as I entered the room and he let out an audible sigh.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked quietly as I opened one of the cupboards to get out a mug.
Out of the corner of my eye I watched him shake his head sadly.
Two mugs then.

I placed them on the counter and set the kettle to boil, then sitting cross-legged on the island opposite. I tapped my nails on the cold marble surface, feeling slightly awkward with Bucky's presence.

"You're up early." He mumbled quietly.

I turned to him and nodded.

"I could say the same to you."

He looked at me curiously, his blue eyes glinting softly from the moonlight. Shrugging his shoulders, he joined me up on the countertop, a safe distance remaining between us. It felt strange being so close to a man that I had barely heard speak before. Even on missions he followed direct orders and didn't talk unless absolutely necessary.

The kettle finally finished boiling. I jumped off the counter and started making some tea for the two of us. I hoped that he would accept it, I didn't really know him but I didn't want to continue watching the guy waste away. A cup of tea and some good sleep could really do the both of us some good.

After I'd finished with the teabags, milk, and sugar, I handed Bucky one of the mugs and took the other one for myself.
As I offered my hand out to him, he stared at me incredulously. I smiled at him gently, pushing my hand into his so that he would take the drink. Then, pushing myself back into the island, I sipped the hot beverage cautiously. Looking to my side, I saw that Bucky was also drinking it slowly, a look of content on his face.

"Thank you." He said, after a moment.

We drank the rest of the tea in a comfortable silence before the both of us returned back to our rooms. Hopefully we could get back to sleep now.


The following day passed by quickly since there was so little to do. Some of the team had gone abroad on their time off and had left already, but I, along with some others decided to stay at the compound. It was quite a nice space and the rooms were large and comfortable. There were gardens, a pool, a gym and very other room we could have asked for. I spent most of the day in the library or chatting with Tony in his lab.

I went to bed early that night, loving the feel of my bed. The lack of responsibility only made my rest more comfortable. However, I woke up early again that night, but not of my own accord.

I was suddenly jolted awake when my ears were pierced by the sound of your tired screams. My heart dropped suddenly as I instinctively scrambled out of my bed and out of my bedroom door. I looked down both ways of the hall and thought for a moment.
Most people had left the compound by now. The only people left were Vision and Wanda who shared a room on the other side of the building. The only people who were sleeping on this corridor was myself and Bucky.

I ran down the hall towards his room and didn't hesitate to kick the door open. I ran to the side of the bed where his metal arm wasn't and assessed the situation.
Beads of sweat covered his body as he battled pointlessly against nothing but air. His cries were still loud but my ears had adjusted to the noise. I placed my hand on his head and took the other in my hand.

"Bucky? You need to wake up." I commanded sternly, hoping that he would be more responsive to orders. This didn't seem to work, although his screams were slightly less frequent.

"Bucky, listen to me. It's a dream, please wake up." I said more softly, shaking him gently. Again, he calmed down a little but the pained expression that remained on his handsome face. His now gaunt face.

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