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Jungkook groaned as his neck hurted from being kept in the same position for he doesn't know how long

His eyes slowly opened, head already spinning. He roamed his tired eyes around the room to see it was badly lit up, a single lamp hanging above him and he was sitting on a wooden chair although his hands weren't tied.

He stopped his eyes at a figure, squinting his eyes to see who the person is.

His eyes widened at the tall figure walking upto him

"Namjoon hyung?" He let out his voice, amused that his own friend punched him to unconsciousness

"Thank god that it's me" the other scoffed and it confused jungkook more.

"What do you mean hyung? Why did you do this to me? Why did you knock me out?" Jungkook bombarded namjoon with questions as the latter groaned before rubbing his hand on his forehead

"You are digging your own grave, jungkook" namjoon said as he sternly looked at jungkook

"What are you trying to say, namjoon? Tell me clearly" jungkook said, more rigidly

"I just want to tell you one thing. Back away from taehyung" namjoon sighed

Jungkook widened his eyes, so many questions were going inside his mind but the very prominent was "why"

A sudden rage was built up in his body as he jolted up from his seat and grabbed namjoon's collar

"Why?! I won't let you decide whether i should leave taehyung or not! I love him and will, till i die!" Jungkook roared as namjoon flinched.

The fire in his eyes was all new and wild to namjoon, yes jungkook is cold and rude to everyone, but this much anger? It has never happened.

"Jungkook, calm down" namjoon said as he choked for breath

"How can i calm down?! Why do you want me to leave him?! Why do i have to leave him?! Why did you knock me out?! Why?! WHY?!" Jungkook's nostrils were flaring with fire as he heavily breathed

Namjoon sighed before placing jungkook back on the seat, keeping his hands over the other's shoulders

"I want you to calm down so i can fully tell you everything" namjoon sighed, even though there was an angry frown etched over jungkook's face he kept his mouth shut

"Please do not interrupt me in the middle of what I am gonna speak because this is gonna be hard for both of us" namjoon warned and jungkook nodded, still glaring at the man

"It's a very long story, our boss has appointed to keep me an eye over someone......someone he's obsessed to that he keeps their photos stuck in his bedroom as huge wallpapers. And that person is.......taehyung" namjoon gulped as he saw jungkook's face darken. A dangerous yet horrified and shocked expression on his face.

"Oh please do continue, kim namjoon" jungkook said, his voice deadly gaze over his face, legs now crossed over each other and hands tangled over his chest. Namjoon is ridiculously scared of him right now. Though the younger looks like a bunny and doesn't interferes in other people's business but when he gets angry, he's damn scary.

"So i stalked taehyung and eventually found out that you two are dating. I saw you reaching towards seunggyo's office and i couldn't think of anything up so fast so i just knocked you out so you couldn't go there" namjoon said as he breathed after finishing.

"Does seunggyo know we two are dating?" jungkook asked.

"No, i've kept this information secret with me but if he'll ask me i have no option but to tell him. And if he finds out that you are dating taehyung, he'll eventually "clear you out of his way" and i know he wants taehyung only for his body" namjoon confessed and jungkook deeply breathed

"I can definitely assure you that i won't leave taehyung even if he tries all his force to do so. He might be powerful but he doesn't know how much power i can hold and he even let his mind waver around taehyung and i am not letting him get away this easily" jungkook stood up.

"Namjoon hyung, i need some answers from you and ahjin noona" jungkook asked namjoon and nodded.

"Do you two like seunggyo and would continue working for him?" 

"To be honest to you, no we don't ahjin and i have been fed up of him so long. I sometimes feel like killing that psychotic bitchface" namjoon rolled his eyes and saw jungkook smirk.

"So that's what we're gonna do" jungkook said and namjoon widened his eyes.

"I have a plan but i need confirmation of one person"

Kindergarten| Taekook| CompletedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя