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"I am all ears, tell me what you wanna say?" Jungkook said and made himself comfortable in her bed as she crawled in his lap and sat with her bunny plushie

"So I was sad when papa couldn't drop me off to school like everyone's did, but then our teacher came and he is so sweet! He asked me my name and we talked so much. He also told me i am special to him.

And then, he called me a nickname just like you call me pancake" she smiled as she played with her frick

"That's sweet, what did your teacher call you?"

"Cupcake" she smiled and looked at jungkook who smiled back

"That's such a sweet nickname"

"Yes, and then he told us to draw and j drew granny, you, tata and me together!" She said and got off his lap the took the drawing out of her bag and showed it to jungkook

Jungkook looked at the drawing and saw everyone he remembered except the new figurine which had glasses and purple hearts all around him.

"Is he tata?" Jungkook asked and pointed while Luna nodded

"He likes purple alot!" Luna exclaimed

"I wanna tell you so much about tata! He even had lunch with me and told me that I am his favorite. He is my favorite too!" Luna said and hopped onto jungkook's lap.

"That's sweet. You've got a nice teacher" jungkook ruffled her hair

"Yes he is, I want you to meet him one day!" Luna giggled

"Sure, I would love to meet your teacher"


Soon it's the second day of school and Luna has already woken up early because of the excitement she held to go see taehyung

Taehyung was also excited to meet Luna as he stood at the classroom gate , waiting for the black limo to pull up at the front and then a sweet small angel with chubby cheeks bounced over to him and give him a hug

And that's what exactly happened when Luna came inside. Taehyung was glad to accept the hug

Every kid arrived and now they are all sitting at their desks

"So angels, have you showed your parents the drawing you made yesterday?" Taehyung asked as everybody shouted a yes

"That's good and Luna what did your parents say?" Taehyung asked her as she beamed up

"I told kookie-ah about the drawing and he said i did really good!" She cheered up

"That's cute. So let's start class now?" He said and everyone sat quietly through the whole class, being attentive towards what their teacher was teaching

The bell rings and taehyung smiles seeing the hurdle packing their bags hurriedly

"Come on guys! Don't miss the bus! And come tomorrow again!" Taehyung waved them off and a special peck over the forehead to luna who giggled

"Hmm, i wonder why is she so attached to her kookie-ah?"

Kindergarten| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now