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"one more please, this is too cute. I'm going to post this and watch everyone comment at how cute my little nephew is" George exclaims.

I rolled my eyes at my brother's erratic antics as he took photos of Jayson in the clothes that he dressed my son in.

I will not deny the fact that my son looks cute enough to bring the strictest man to his knees but Jayson surely thinks his uncle is a lunatic for his behaviour.

I dragged George away from Jayson when I noticed Jayson become uncomfortable with the unconventional demands to pose in a certain way.

I grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it outside to the car. George was driving me to the airport where we would meet with Leon. I barely had any sleep last night after spending hours overthinking how this trip would go.

We were deciding on where we would go the other night after not being able to agree on a place. Leon decided to write a mixture of country names down on pieces of paper and we let Jayson pick out where we would go.

I didn't tell him, but I wish I thought of that idea because it was actually brilliant.

"Don't you think you're letting him off easy "George says as he drives towards Heathrow. He turned down the music so that we could hear each other more clearly.

"I mean the guy did cheat on you whilst you were engaged and have a baby" I closed my eyes frustrated that he had to bring this up now as I'm on my way to spend a few days in Bali with my ex-fiancé and our son.

He rested his hand over mine "I'm just saying, what's to say he won't do it again" my fears exactly.

Emily might be telling me the truth, but do I really want to stay with a man who will look for other women without having the decency to end one relationship first.

"I don't know, all I know is that I want him to spend as much time with Jayson as he can. Jayson might grow up to hate me for not letting him see his father" I can just imagine it now. I wouldn't be surprised if Jayson left me to live with his dad.

Leon will always be the more successful and richer one of us, what boy wouldn't want that life where his dad can buy him the car he wants, get the job he wants and have endless amounts of cash in the bank.

"He would never hate you; he would understand that you couldn't be with a man that didn't love her unconditionally" I knew he was right, but I still struggle with dealing with the potential.

I glance at Jayson sat in the back playing with his toy elephant. Oblivious to what was happening around him.

"I'll do anything for him, George," I say smiling as Jayson noticed me staring.

It will either my heart getting broken or it will be the best decision I ever make in my life.

We arrived at the airport. After saying goodbye to George who got one last photo of Jayson, I grabbed Jayson's hand and headed over to Starbucks where we had agreed to meet Leon. Looking around I spotted him instantly. With his phone against his ear, he brought the cup to his lips sipping from his coffee. Jayson was the one pulling me towards Leon who quickly ended his call and slid the phone into his back pocket.

Leon lifted Leon into the air and placed him on his hip. "you ready for an adventure buddy" Jay nodded his head his smile contagious. I felt people staring, smiling even at the two as they reacted with each other.

Since Leon was distracted I decided to reach in my bag to grab my wallet to pay for the drinks since I didn't have time for breakfast at home. I only had time to get Jayson in for a quick feed before we left. I was worried about Jayson's first big flight and I wanted to be at peace that he was fed before travelling.

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