2:36 pm

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Yoongi usually avoided crowds. He hates the way it all made him antsy, had him biting the side of his cheek and just anxious. But today, he promised Namjoon (his friend that got laid and got a boyfriend six months ago) that he would meet his boyfriend's cousin. And so, he begrudgingly trudged to the café near their university, headphones around his shoulder and a blank look on his face.

When he spots them, he mutely grabs the seat in front of the two and waves lamely and somewhat – lazily. He hopes Seokjin wouldn't throw a fit, inwardly wincing at how the man was.

"Hello!" Seokjin's cousin waved enthusiastically that Namjoon had to stop the other from spilling the cup of – hot chocolate (?) by the sudden jerk of movement from his elbows and arms,

"I'm Kim Taehyung!!"

He felt the edge of his tips tug upwards, "Another Kim huh?"

"Yeah, hyung. Seokjin forced me –," He sees Taehyung jab Namjoon's sides with his elbow causing the other to correct himself, "Rather, us, to set Taehyung here with you."

He scrunches his nose, "I don't do dating."

Taehyung then laughs, not at all offended than Yoongi would've thought.

"You should meet my bestfriend, Jimin! He says the exact same thing."

Yoongi didn't want to – maybe because he lacks the energy for it right now or maybe because what Taehyung said was creepy.

"I don't do friendships either." He says without really meaning it.

Namjoon rolls his eyes playfully, "You should see him when we're bored waiting for Jin to cook and we're playing this game and he gets all defensive about it."

Yoongi lets out a small laugh, shaking his head, "Asshole, he isn't supposed to know that yet."

"Maybe next time, hyung?" Taehyung looked as if he wasn't interested with Yoongi and he wonders why.

"Maybe next time." He confirms then tilts his head, "Not to impose, but you don't look quite happy with your hyung setting you up with me."

And he probably doesn't get it but the pair in front of him looks at each other and laughs. Namjoon wipes an invisible tear from his eye and only says,

"Oh so you meant real dating hyung? By set we meant by one of your songs, Taehyung likes to sing hyung."

Taehyung reassures him, "It's an honest mistake but I do already have a boyfriend, hyung."

He grumbles and says, "Fuck all of you honestly. Tell Seokjin hyung I'll murder him when he sleeps."

Namjoon shook his head, "I thought you only referred to your studio sessions as dates and I –

"Not another word, Kim Namjoon." He interrups, cheeks flushing a light color of pink.

Taehyung barks out a laugh, "I'm so getting Jiminie to meet you."

Yoongi was in too deep in his embarrassment to care anymore.

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