1:32 am

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Im very very sad

Also drinking vodka straight isn't a good idea

Oh how the tables turned

But why whtas wrong?

Why is my baby sad

Liked love better.

Yeah figured

So do you want to talk about it?

Yeah shit

I just need to let this out

Go ahead

Ill listen

I might fall asleep tho

No promises

My parents are shit

My family is so fucking broken

They force themselves into staying in this toxic relationship we call a "family"

Wow im being redundant


My mother used to beat me a lot when I was a kid and even more

When she found out that I wanted to take up music. Bitch told me she

Loved me but constantly put me down

Probably explains where I am right now



U there?

I didn't mean to pour it all on you

But hey im crying

I rarely cry

Wow shit hyung.

I think im gonna cry too

Lol why?

For you.

You didn't deserve that shit.

My parents are divorced. Always hated my dad for leaving but

Atleast they weren't like your mom.

Im not good at words like you are but

It doesn't really matter what she thinks cause its u who decide what you

Want for your future

And I know they prolly said mean words that stuck in your head right?


Howd you know

Because ive received the end of it

Not from parents but u knoe

And that sucks even more if its from parents

But that doesn't define you okay

No matter how much they said ur stupid or u couldn't do anything

You can

You will

You'll achieve those shit.


Really needed this

Not that I didn't know but

Met my mom and lmao surprise surprise shes still the same


Wouldn't want to meet her haha.

Those types are just yuck


Btw, wym bout the receiving the other end?

Yeahh its kinda stupid

But im not (??) popular at school and since I was new

Some ppl at my block got jealous I got in to the uni easily

Some of them were there since freshman days so

That's harsh

Im gonna beat them up

U don't deserve that

Lmao thnx

Sure ill arrange a fight.


Serious about the don't deserve part.

Yeah ik

Also wOW

Im glad you accidentally texted me

We're like totally in love now

Keep dreaming


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