1:05 pm

5.1K 183 1

Where the fuck are you?

Haha omw

..this is the wrong number isn't it.

Ding! Correct! ^^

How'd u know tho

my friend doesn't type like that.

You have friends?



Unlike u

Bold of you to assume I'm in the likes of you

Love, you don't have to lie.



Okay now I'm generally disappointed

Im guessing you're a guy and 'love' coming from another guy

Makes you...

Wait no im not homophobic



You're not?

I'm not.

Yuck on the 'love' part cause you're prolly a pervert


And no,

You're def one tho

Sounds like a real grump ^^

Atleast I don't sound like a whiny child

You can't even hear me you ass


So spare me all the trouble and delete my number.

Oh I wouldn't do that to my love ;)

Stop that.

bye, love :>

Weed | a YOONMIN text ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora