13 ❃ 'bang!'

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Rose's pov:

I nodded and he looked pleased. "well then get ready for what you are going to deal with" he said laughing like a psycho. I can't believe y/n's mum is so blind how can't she see his real side, he's not okay he needs treatment. he then walked out whispering something in one of the bodyguards ear. the bodyguard nodded when he finished. It was only me and the bodyguards they were coming closer towards me I started to cry I don't want to be here.

then they beat me.

I was in blood my whole body was full of wounds, bruises and cuts. I was in so much pain that it was so hard to keep my eyes open.

Y/n's pov:

we arrived at our house and I entered running to Lisa, somin and mia. we done a group hug and I felt so happy with them. mia and somin were crying while lisa was so angry and blaming herself like me. then I noticed a bandage on Lisa's hand "what happened" I said holding her hand. "nothing" she said looking down. then it went quite and somin told me to talk to her in private. so I left with somin "tell me everything" I said she nodded and started talking.

"they took rose but rose wanted to go its like she done it for our safety, Lisa keeps punching walls and her hand is bleeding. we feel so guilty y/n." she said crying and I gave her a hug "don't worry we will find her" I said with a confidant voice.

Mia's pov:

before they took rose, me and somin ran away to get help and on the way I saw something that broke my heart into pieces. I couldn't think straight at that moment. I saw wonho kissing another girl it was so hard to watch. he noticed me but I held somins arm and ran away. I couldn't tell anyone because it's not as important as rose right now.

Taehyung's pov:

my so called dad came and said hello to all of us and went straight upstairs showing his real side. I wanted to change so I went upstairs to my room when I got stopped on the way. "make her unconscious and you can do whatever you want to her, I will kill her with my own hands tomorrow, her name is rose!" He hung up leaving my jaw wide open. I know he's a mafia but how can he do that to y/n's friend. I need to save her.

Y/n's pov:

I noticed how one of tawhyung's friend was so sad. I think his name was jimin and I learned that he was trying his best to get rose. what if he fell in love with rose? oh god they are players but why do I feel different towards tawhyung now. it's like my whole feelings changed I used to feel hate and anger but now I feel like I'm in love again. why do I fall in love so quickly? Its so annoying.

then Jae-hyun came he said hello and went straight upstairs. he definitely saw us crying and didn't ask what was wrong. why is he different now? my mum wasn't home either and I couldn't get comfort from her. we was all a crying mess. I tried to make them laugh but it didn't work. we called the police many times but there was no sign of her which made us cry more. we all fell asleep on my bed while crying silently it's so hard to lose a friend.

Tawhyung's pov:

when everyone went to sleep I was awake peeping out the door to Jae-hyun's door to see if he would come out. I was planning to follow him and save her, but he never came out. I waited for hours. at last he came out at 10:05am. I followed him silently with my car. It took so long. he was driving in the country side where there is barely people. he stopped in front of a abandoned factory.

I followed him in there was a lot of bodyguards so it was hard for me to follow him. I crouched down next to every furniture there was. eventually he entered a room I was behind him when I saw rose on the floor unconscious. she was bleeding from every where. he was about to shoot her "stop!!" I screamed but he didn't stop. I ran to rose and hid her behind me.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter
          and I hope you guys are
           ready for the end I wish
                    you guys luck

I hate my step brother ❁ bts Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ