04 ❃ jealous

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Y/n's pov:

I think I felt jealous I was staring at wonho but he didn't even notice me. he was too busy looking at the new girl. not gonna lie she is cute and she looked good in that cute outfit. but I was angry, my friends noticed it and they were making jokes to make me laugh and it worked I was laughing. the teacher told her to sit next to us and we ignored her.

Wonho's pov:

I was messing around with my friends when a girl caught my attention. her cute face was so perfect I couldn't take my eyes off her. she is a new student, the teacher told her to introduce herself and her name was Mia. I never felt this way towards a girl before what kind of feeling is this. am I falling in love? but I never fell in love before.

Mia's pov:

I had to transfer to another school in Seoul because my dads work needed him to be in this city. I didn't want to leave my school my city that I grew up in. my friends my boyfriend but I had to. I didn't feel welcomed in this school. I'm scared I will be lonely, I love having friends by my side. I sat next a group of 4 girls they looked like besties which made me happy but they ignored me. I felt really sad and left out.

Y/n's pov:

for the rest of lesson we never spoke to mia I felt bad. I never would like to make someone sad, but jealousy had taken over me. as I saw wonho looking at her the whole lesson. it was time for lunch so we went to the cafeteria. we was in the queue to get food. we was talking about how somin had another crush that she was stalking. when I saw mia with the school bullies I saw she was uncomfortable. I had to do something I hate when people get bullied.

I walked up to them "Irene, let her go now!!" I shouted at her. "why should I,
y/n the tomboy!" she said sarcastically. I had enough of this bullshit so I pushed her on the floor. her gang was walking up to me but they stopped and was staring behind me. I turned around to see wonho. no one knows we broke up except for my friends. "leave her alone!" wonho said coldly making the girls walk away. he went up to mia and asked if she was ok. she nodded, but everyone was shocked as he didn't help me but mia.

I walked away to my friends and we went to our secret hide out which was a secret room that the school didn't use. we decorated it to our style with lights. I was really sad of how wonho didn't care about me but the new girl. luckily I have my friends which made me feel better.

The secret room:

 no teacher has found out yet and I hope it will stay that way

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

no teacher has found out yet and I hope it will stay that way. it was finally time to go home. I separated from my friends and started walking home. I arrived and went to my room and done my homework because if I didn't do it I will get a detention and I have a detention every single day this week so I don't want that to carry on for next week.

I hate my step brother ❁ bts Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ