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❃ Kim Taehyung❃ age 24❃ rich ❃ fighter ❃ hates bitchy girls but still plays with them ❃ when he gets angry no one can stop him but still has a warm heart❃ he doesn't care about his dad since his mum died, his dad doesn't care about him

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❃ Kim Taehyung
❃ age 24
❃ rich
❃ fighter
❃ hates bitchy girls but still plays with them
❃ when he gets angry no one can stop him but still has a warm heart
❃ he doesn't care about his dad since his mum died, his dad doesn't care about him

❃ Park Jimin ❃ age 23❃ rich ❃ hates the people that hurts his loved ones ❃ he loves clubbing with his friends ❃ he plays around with girls but has a bratty girlfriend called jennie ❃ he likes to tell people his feelings and what's hurting him

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❃ Park Jimin
❃ age 23
❃ rich
❃ hates the people that hurts his loved ones
❃ he loves clubbing with his friends
❃ he plays around with girls but has a bratty girlfriend called jennie
❃ he likes to tell people his feelings and what's hurting him

❃ Park Jimin ❃ age 23❃ rich ❃ hates the people that hurts his loved ones ❃ he loves clubbing with his friends ❃ he plays around with girls but has a bratty girlfriend called jennie ❃ he likes to tell people his feelings and what's hurting him

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❃ Min Yoongi/ Suga
❃ age 24
❃ has a normal life
❃ his hobby is to hack other people's devices and threaten them
❃ popular among girls
❃ the most precious person to him is his younger sister which he looks after

❃ Min Yoongi/ Suga❃ age 24❃ has a normal life ❃ his hobby is to hack other people's devices and threaten them❃ popular among girls❃ the most precious person to him is his younger sister which he looks after

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I hate my step brother ❁ bts Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat