The devil has a son

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It was Thursday afternoon and school had just finished but I made sure to remind the kids about tonight's event. "Don't forget to be at the school hall by 7pm tonight for our class performance" I said making sure all the kids could hear.

Everyone agreed telling me they wouldn't be late before heading out the door. Carlos was still in class waiting for me as I packed my belongings. "Do you feel like pizza? Maybe we can grab some on the way home so we don't have to spend so much time cooking and we can just focus on preparing for the performance tonight" I said.

Carlos nodded his head eagerly as he dashed out the door ahead of me. Laughing I locked the classroom door, jogging to catch up to him as I could see he was heading for the car. We both slipped into our seats and then left the school.

Tonight my classroom would be performing songs from the Lion King and I was super excited since I was a huge fan. I mean can you blame me? I just can't wait to be king is still an absolute banger, not to mention Hakuna matata bitches.

What a wonderful phrase.

Don't worry I don't butcher the song lyrics like that in front of my classroom but I didn't claim to be a saint either so in private I'm all for it. As you can see I'm not always mature, and I don't apologise for it but as contradicting as it may seem I try to set a good example.

About three and half hours later as promised we had already finished eating our pizza and Carlos was ready. We had half an hour to get to the school hall for tonight so I took Mia and Carlos in my car meanwhile Ace caught a ride with Julian.

We arrived at the school ten minutes before 7pm and I was glad we made it. Rushing to the entrance of the hall I saw that all my students were lined up and ready to go inside. It was so crowded but I could see a few seats were available so I told Julian to take Mia and Ace to sit in the audience while I joined my class.

"Everyone remember to take a deep breath and if you forget the lyrics just lip sync peanut butter, jam and jelly. I'll be in the front row of the audience cheering. I have every confidence that you will all do well tonight" I announced.

They all looked adorable in their Simba, Nala, Pumbaa & Timon costumes even I couldn't help but gush. "Can we take a photo together?" Daisy one of my students asked.

Nodding I grabbed my phone and told everyone to get in the photo before snapping a few shots. Smiling I asked Evelyn to take some while I joined my class and she agreed. After we all had a photo together I quickly got a few more of Ethan and Carlos before we all lined up on stage waiting for the curtains to open. I could tell everyone was nervous but I knew they had been practicing for a month now so I had confidence that they'd be fine.

I could hear the kids whispering to each other and some giggling here and there but once the curtains started to rise the noise died down. A bright light shone down focusing on us as everyone moved forward.

I walked over to microphone to speak. "Thank you all for coming tonight. I'd just like to say that our class appreciates your support and we hope you enjoy the performance" putting the mic back in place as I heard the audience clap.

Ethan with his Timon costume and Carlos with his Pumbaa costume started off the first song.

Ethan: I can see what's happening...
Carlos: What?!
Ethan: And they don't have a clue
Carlos: Who?

By then the audience started to laugh. The kids were all smiling as they joined in when the chorus began.

It was safe to say that after the first song the kids had gained a lot more confidence and pretty much enjoyed themselves. After the kids finished there performance the curtains started to close again and everyone clapped before I got up to join the kids back stage.

"Congratulations everyone you guys absolutely smashed it out there!" I said looking at my class in awe. Everyone was clapping and jumping around before we headed back out to the hall joining the audience.

The lights were on and parents were started to leave there seats making there way towards the kids. Some of the students had introduced me to their parents while they had the time and I was glad I managed to speak to a few of them. It was most interesting to learn that Daisy was actually Lucas and Laura's little sister.

"Aria it's good to see you" Laura said as she walked toward me next to Lucas and little Daisy.

"Hey it's good to see you both again. Did you enjoy the performance?" I asked smiling down at the little girl from my class who was in a bone crushing hug with Lucas. They both nodded in response gleaming toward a now laughing Daisy.

I watched as Ace and Mia joined us to talk with their friends and Julian trailed not too far behind with Carlos in hand.

"Aria we were thinking of going over to Laura's house for a bit but we'll be back before 10pm" Mia said. I looked toward her and Ace nodding in agreement but I did tell them to be careful especially since Ace's wounds were still healing. They both agreed saying they'd be extra careful before leaving.

Julian agreed to take Carlos home while I stayed back to help pack up the hall and farewell the rest of the students and their parents.

I was packing away some of the extra seats we pulled out for the audience when I heard a little voice behind me speak. "Thanks for letting me have a solo" spinning around I came face to face with Ethan who was looking up at me. I saw he was alone and his father was the only parent I hadn't met tonight which me wonder if he even came? Sweeping aside my thoughts I smiled down at him and replied "Your welcome. I am so proud of you tonight and I'm sure your father feels the same way."

"I do."

I'd recognise that voice from a mile away, even in a room full of men I'd be able to distinguish that dark tone of his. He had an uncanny ability to conceal all the light in his path and like the fool I was I danced to the devils song. Subsequently this was one of those moments where I wished I was wrong, only it was too late because my eyes began traveling on their own accord seeking those blue orbs that enveloped me every time I caught a peek.

It was Levi standing there staring at Ethan and unsurprised to the fact that I was here next to his son which could only mean one thing. He knew I was Ethan's teacher all along. Why didn't he say anything? I thought.

Ethan spun around with a smile on his face before giggling as he charged at Levi. "Dad come meet my teacher!" Ethan squealed pulling Levi's humongous hand with his tiny fingers toward me. I watched Levi smile and if didn't know any better I'd probably swoon like a month to a flame at the cute interaction they had but I did know better.

The closer they got it seemed as if realisation had dawned on me and as Gods honest witness I can tell you right now I couldn't have predicted this in a million years.

"Slow down piccolo" Levi said still allowing Ethan to pull on his hand.

Levi is Ethan's father.

Guilty pleasureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon