Prank wars

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"How was your first day at work?" Julian asked as I walked through the front door of our house.


I settled with that one basic word to describe my day at work. Ushering toward the couch I plumped down like my life depended on it. As if my feet had a mind of it's own they slowly rose mid air to rest above the coffee table, only that didn't last long before they were gently shoved to the ground by Julian.

On cue my stomach started grumbling as my head fell backward to rest on the couch but luckily Julian grabbed a plate from the kitchen and served me some dinner which he had been cooking before I got back.

"Thought you might say that, so I made dinner. It's roast chicken with salad." He said making me smile. These are the times I really appreciated him and like I always say the little things in life matter.

"Thank you. I'm starving" I grabbed the plate before digging in. As I ate I found myself thinking about Ethan again because he seemed troubled or he just hated school. Either way, something needed to change and I don't know if I could ever be the one to influence him into having a more positive attitude in school.

"What are you thinking about?" Julian asked with one eyebrow raised. Nosey as ever I thought releasing a sigh. I wiped my mouth of any leftover foods I might have missed.

Yes, I already finished the plate of food but it was because I was so hungry. Don't judge me.

"There's this student I have. His name is Ethan and it seems as though he either hates school or he just doesn't like new teachers. He also gives the impression that he doesn't need to do what the other students are doing. He's got a poor attitude and he can be disrespectful but I'm not sure if that is just because he is young or because it's all for show?." I revealed.

"Sounds like someone we both know doesn't it?"Julian smirked making me roll my eyes but I nodded my head telling him I agreed.

"I think that is why I this type of responsibility to reach out to him because he reminds me so much of my younger self. I just don't know how to do that or where to begin?" I spoke.

Julian looked to be in thought at my sudden revelation. Not to long after thinking he responded, "well you are his teacher so it is natural that your worried and you've always had a habit of helping people. Im not sure if that is a good thing or not because I'm still figuring that out as you can be too trusting toward people sometimes, even those who don't deserve it. However, I'm sure the kid just needs some encouragement but Aria don't get attached" Julian said giving me the side-eye look.

I smiled before continuing, "I know. But it's more than that because I feel like this kid wants to be helped but he just finds it easier to be alone. It's like he doesn't know how to even ask for help you know?" I wasn't entirely sure if that made any sense but I'm hoping it did. In my head it did at least.

Julian nodded his head in understanding. "Well from my perspective, I think you should talk to him and try to get him to open up to one person at a time first. That first person could be you or it could be someone else. Don't be to quick to push him into participating in class with everyone, maybe he just needs to figure out if he can trust those around him to be more comfortable so take it slow," Julian shrugged making me think for a second.

"Good idea but I don't want anyone to think he is a teachers pet either. You know how cruel kids can be these days and I'm sure it will upset others if I show Ethan more lenience. I think I will have to just take things one step at a time and hope that in future he will enjoy class with everyone."

With that thought in mind I went to bed feeling a sense of determination for tomorrow.

The next day:
I walked around the classroom looking at all the kids who were now practising on a spelling quiz. I would say my class is full of bright young children that have such a hopeful future ahead. I couldn't help but smile at them knowing that I had already come to enjoy this class.

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