I groan, sliding my fists over my lap. So that's why the streets were empty when I came in earlier?

"How can they?" I shout at no one in particular.

"Calm down, Hamsa," Yahiya says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down?" I shout, looking at him incredulously and shrug off his hand, immediately feeling guilty when I see distress crossing his face. I sigh and then take in a deep breath to calm myself. I've been back ten minutes and I'm already being inconsiderate.

"I apologize," I say to all of them. "But this sucks."

"Yes, very much," Yahiya says, taking my hand in his again. "But what can we do other than follow the rules."

 "Like scared rats," I mumble under my breath.

Uncle Osama lets out a nervous laugh and then says,

"Lamees, would you be a darling and go fix us something to eat, all the excitement and the running made me hungry and I'm sure Yahiya wouldn't mind some food either."

"Sure thing." She gets up, obviously eager about the change in subject and reaches for me.

"Come on," she says, "some girl time in the kitchen."

I look from her extended hand to Yahiya's that is holding mine, and consider the exchange. It feels like it I let go, or let him out of my sight, he'll disappear again.

"Come on you guys! It's been two weeks only, it's not like one of you was dead or something," she says, rolling her eyes.

Yahiya laughs slightly at her joke and then nudges my shoulder lightly.

"Go ahead," he says, "I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not!" I say, taking Lamees' hand.

Once we are in the kitchen and out of earshot, Lamees says.

"Oh my Allah you guys are the cutest ever! You know without the whole you snapping at him thing." She holds her cheeks and sighs dreamily. "I wish I had a cool older brother, or a lame older brother, he could even be younger if he wanted, and if it was a sister I wouldn't complain either, anything would do."

"I will be your younger sister, how about that?" I say, opening the mini fridge to take a look at what's inside. A mini fridge is all we need around here, since there is rarely enough food to store or left over.

She pretends to be thinking about my offer – tapping her finger against her chin and whatnot – and then says,

"Ummm, no. After delicate consideration, I reached the conclusion that having a sibling will mean being less spoiled, so thanks but no thanks." She ends her rejection with a mischievous grin.

"Ouch," I say, looking at her over my shoulder with fake hurt," but you know what? It's your loss, I make an awesome little sister. Ask Yahiya if you don't believe me!"

I don't find anything in the fridge, so with I sigh I close the door.

"So obedient and all right? Mmhm, the perfect little sister," she says, nodding her head with closed eyes. I grab a spoon off the counter and throw it at her direction. She ducks away, shrieking and shoots me a playful glare.

Lamees is an only child, so she is the number one fan of my relationship with Yahiya - even though sometimes it's unhealthy, when I am being stubborn and he's being overly strict. I also think she has the hugest – cutest – crush on him ever, but I never bring it up, not to put her in an odd spot.

"So what are we going to make?" I ask her, going out the kitchen door towards the pile of wood to start a cooking fire.

"Rice, what else?" She calls after me. "Oh and I got the most amazing eggplant ever from the market yesterday! Yahiya likes these, right?"

The Girl in The Green Scarf Where stories live. Discover now