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Viktor's POV
¯\(´ ♡ ')/¯


I woke up the next morning, to find Yuuri curled up in my arms.

I smiled to myself, and ultimately forgetting myself, as I snuggled my face into his hair, 'I could get used to waking up like this...'

I sat there for what felt like forever- a forever I'd gladly live- just listening to his very calm and quiet snoring.

I was brought back to reality when my phone rang throughout the room, my alarm yelling at me to get myself together.

I frowned, pulling away from his heat, looking at him roll over and groan as his eyes fluttered open. 'Wow, I'd paint him a million times, if I could... No, Viktor wake up, get out of dream land, and get dressed for school..' Mentally fighting with myself, I turned away from Yuuri, crawling out of the makeshift fort I'd made the previous night.

I made my way up the stairs, to my unpacked room, scanning it for the boxes filled with clothes.


Once I was dressed and cleaned up, I made my way back downstairs. There I found Yuuri groggily sitting, dressed in the clothes I'm letting him wear for the day. He yawned rubbing his eyes before he looked over at me, meeting my eyes.

I flashed him a smile, before I continued on my way toward the kitchen.

"Hey, Yuuri." I called to him.

"Mm?" He grunted in return, presumably not yet fully awake.

I smiled, as I peeked my head out of the kitchen for a moment to look at him, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I don't know, something simple I guess."

"That's a relief." I chuckled, "We'll have cereal then, because I can't cook anything without potentially burning down the house."

I turned to the cupboard full of cereals, and began rummaging through them, as I heard a giggle emit from Yuuri, who was making his way into the kitchen.

"What cereal do you want?" I questioned, my face buried deep in the abyss that was cereal.

"Whatever you're having I guess, I'm not too picky." He responded, as he sat down at the counter.

I smiled pulling out my favorite cereal, grabbing two bowls on my way over, "Good, there's only room for one picky eater here, and that's me."


I pulled onto the school lot, later than usual because Yuuri was distracting me this morning that I lost track of time.

Despite the parking lot being fill of chaos, I still managed to get into my usual parking space, 'Guess no one wanted to disrespect me, even when I was gone... heh, or maybe it's just that no one wanted to get kicked in the balls for stealing my spot...' I grinned to myself

Even after I've turned the car off and gotten out, I look over to see Yuuri still frozen to his seat, well, more like he's melting into the seat.

"Yuuri, you okay?" I had to ask, as I watched him slink farther down into the car.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine... it's just... I don't think I'll be so fine when I get inside... everyone will know I'm wearing your clothes, they're way to big on me! And they'll all be pretty upset knowing I was the first person you spent time with once you've gotten back..."

"Yuuri I'm sure-"

"Well, at the same time I want to show you off to people just show them that I'm better than them in your eyes."

"Um, Yuuri-"

"I've decided! I'm going to show off to everyone how important I am to you." He state, as he hopped out of my car, a confident smile on his face. Where that sudden confidence came from? I don't know, but I like it. He wears confidence well.

He jogged up to my side, his bookbag hanging off his shoulders, as he stood close to me, smiling brightly. Or I guess you could say, 'Innocently'.

It was making me anxious, and confused. I don't know what to do with myself...

Before I could think of doing anything, Yuuri casually grabbed my hand, and started running, "Look, Phichit's here!" He shouted, dragging me along.

I stumbled after him trying to keep up, almost toppling over as we came to a halt in front of the small tan boy that stood in the breakfast line, a tray of food in his hands.

"Oh, hey Yuuri! Brought your boyfriend with you today?" He laughed, smirking in the slightest as he watched my face burn while I got flustered.

"I-it's not like tha-" I began, but he cut me off again.

"Oh, really? If it isn't, then why is he wearing your clothes?"

"Because he didn't have any other clothes to wear-!"

"You're being pretty defensive for being 'just friends'. Why was he at your house anyway?"

I didn't know how to respond anymore.

'Jesus, Viktor... what happened to you? You can't just let what happened in Russia keep dragging you under..' I shook my head, "Does this really matter? What happens between Yuuri and me is our business and no one else's."

I didn't mean for it to come off as rude, but the look Yuuri gave me had me apologizing in seconds, "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude.. I just.. had a rough time back in Russia, so I'm still shaken up is all." I laughed nervously, glancing at Yuuri to make sure my response this time was acceptable.

He looked worried now, and I knew I had some explaining to do later.

"I should get going, I need to get my schedule and such for the year.." I said, excusing myself, "Meet me later in the cafeteria during lunch, Yuuri!" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran off, escaping the situation.

I needed to get out of there. I can't think about what I'm going to do about what's going on between me and Yuuri if I'm distracted by other people's opinions..

'I'll tell Yuuri everything at lunch... and hopefully I'll have an answer for him by then as well..'


Word Count: 1013

A/N: Weeelll not as special as you probably thought, BUT I promise it only gets better! Well at least, I think so

Have a good night, or day, whichever it is!!

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