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Yuuri's POV

Present Day

Hey there! My name is Yuuri Katsuki! I'm 13 years old, and currently in 8th grade, aka the top grade of middle school.

I'm not gonna brag, but in my current standings, I'm one of the top soccer and volleyball players in the whole middle school.

Of course I had to work myself to the bone to reach such goals. I've been working hard everyday since the first day of summer after 5th grade to get to where I am now.

I've always gained weight easily, so I worked out every day when I had the time, not to mention I've also been taking private ballet lessons. Being in sports gave me an excuse to excessively work out, besides having to embarrass myself by flat out saying it's because I don't want to get fat.

However embarrassed I am to say it, that is the reason. I really don't want to gain weight. The bigger I am, the bigger target I become for bullies. Even without the extra weight, and my small amount of popularity, I'm still picked on, so you couldn't even imagine what it would be like for me if I wasn't fit.

Of course... that isnt the only reason I've joined sports and started working out. I also did it for him. Viktor Nikiforov.

He's the angel of the school. He's basically what our school is known for. He's a Junior right now, at age 17, and has been the leading role of every musical and/or play our school has ever put on.

I doubt he remembers me. Nor do I think he realizes what an impact he's had on me. That's exactly why I've decided the only way to catch his attention is by gaining popularity and rising to the same stage as him.


"Yuuri, if you don't hurry, you're gonna gonna miss the bus again! Geez, what is with you sleeping in all the time?"

'Crap, crap, crap! I was up late last night studying that I totally forgot to check if my alarms were on!' I screamed internally as I ran around my room in a whirl, getting ready for school in record time.

As I bolted out the door the bus was just pulling up to the house.

"haaaahh, thank god...  I made it..." I sighed to myself, slinking back into my seat. 'I wonder if I'll see Viktor today..?'

I asked myself this question nearly every morning, most of the time without even knowing it. It's become something of my daily schedule to see if, how, or when I can run into Viktor at some point in the day.

When the bus pulled into the school parking lot, my eyes furiously scanned the parking lot, immediately spotting the unmistakable hot pink Cadillac.

'He's here!' Heat rushed to my face in excitement, followed by embarrassment at the thought of someone seeing the, most definitely, stupid look that was plastered upon my face.

I rushed off the bus, and into the school, heading straight for my locker, with the speed of God. I needed to get there quickly so I could have time to get breakfast from the highschool cafeteria.

Sometimes my sleeping in really is helpful, since I always miss breakfast when it happens. It gives me a chance to see Viktor first thing in the morning.

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