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Yuuri's POV

The next morning, I woke up in my bed. Figuring that that meant Viktor went home, I glanced around my room, only then realizing that my hand felt heavier than normal.

This was because there was another hand in my hand. Connected to that hand was an arm- thankfully- and connect to that arm was a Viktor Nikiforov, sleeping on a pull-out bed next to mine.

So he held my hand all night after all...This thought made my entire body warm. I didn't necessarily heat up, but I felt all warm and tingly. It was a nice feeling.

The feeling faded a little though, when I thought about how much nicer it would've been if he held my whole body instead of just my hand, and was that so wrong to think?

I often think about whether my feelings for him are wrong, considering our age gap in this specific time of our lives. It makes me a little concerned. Then, I also start to think about what other people would think, besides those in school who would pummel me for this. Like my parents, or other adults on the streets, our teachers even.

What would they all think?

Would they think it's wrong, and tell is it won't work?? I already assumed it won't work out considering how perfect he is, compared to the blob that is me and my existence, but still. Hearing it from other people somehow seems worse.

At some point, while lost in my thoughts I had started gripping onto Viktor's hand tighter, because his beautiful, ocean eyes fluttered open, as he whispered out softly, "Yuuri...?"

I blinked my way back into the real world, fixing my eyes on his, replying just as quietly as him, "Yeah..?"

"You 'kay?" He asked, yawning, continuing the trend we've set for the conversation.

"Mm, yeah but why are we whispering?" I asked, still in a whisper.

"I don't know??" He whispered back, dramatically shaking his head. He started giggling, and I automatically joined. His smile alone was contagious.

"Anyway, are you really okay? You looked tense."

"Oh, we're talking normal now? When did this new development come about?"

"Yuuurriii, you're dodging my question."

I let out a sigh, looking away from him, "It's nothing, really..."

I wasn't looking, but I could feel his stare get more intense, and he was probably raising an eyebrow at me.

"It's just..."

"Дааа??" He urged me to go on.

I looked up at him, swallowing my nervousness, "why are you here?? I don't get it?? Why did you help me? Why do you keep talking to me, when I'd only bring your image down? So many people will hate me, more than they already do... and they might start to hate you, for not talking to them, but rather to a plastic bag drifting through the wind."

"Did you just quote Katy Perry??" He asked, blinking, a single finger pointed in my direction.

"Yes, but that's besides the point. Just, why?" I asked again, trying to pull my hand from his, but he refused grasping my hand tighter, pulling me towards him.

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