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Yuuri's POV

"WHAT?" I blurted out. I didn't expect him to change his decision so suddenly.

He blinked as he looked at me, confused by my outburst, "I thought you didn't want me to get my hair cut?"

I shook my head, quickly, from side to side, "Well yeah, but you don't have to hold off because of me!! I at least want you to think about what you want to do, yourself. Don't let me make your decisions for you, Vitya."

We both went silent, staring at each other, I felt heat slowly creep up the back of my neck, as I watched him avert his eyes, biting down on his lip in an attempt to hold back a smile.

"I-- uh, sorry-- I didn't mean--"

"Yuuri, calm down, I don't mind, really... you just surprised me is all... no one besides Yakov, and of course my real parents, have ever called me that, so I definitely wasn't expecting that from you."

"Exactly-! It's very personal to you, and I have no right to call you as such, I just- hearing it from Yakov all the time--"

"Yuuri!" He interrupted me again, grabbing my shoulders to get my attention, before quickly moving them to cup my cheeks, "I don't mind letting YOU say it, I like that idea, it makes me feel like, despite everything that's happened, we've grown closer."

I stared at him, my cheeks feeling extra pudgy, squished between his hands. I slowly nodded, when he leaned in, trying to intimidate me. He smiled at me, resting his head against my forehead, "Good. I'm glad you agree."

I was getting lost in his eyes, to the point that I forgot that he'll be 18 by the end of this quarter, and I'm only turning 14 in about half a month.

He booped his nose against mine, and I couldn't help giggling, as he laughed along with me.

I wanted to lean in further, and see what it felt like to kiss someone, even if my head was screaming, 'This is so wrong, Yuuri- stop-- this is so wrong, this iS SO WRONG-'.

I didn't stop myself from moving forward, as my mind scolded me, because my heart was telling me otherwise.

I also didn't stop because he was leaning in towards me, copying my actions.

'Is this it..? Am I having my first kiss, with VIKTOR??!'

Then someone slammed the door open, making is both jump away from each other. I was 13 again, sitting on my 17 year old crush's bed with him. We were no longer in pur own world where our age difference didn't matter.

My face went bright red, as I quickly reached for a pillow, to bury my heated face in, though I was very sure my face would just burn a hole right through, at this point.

I glanced over at Viktor, to see his face was tinting a shade of pink, crawling up the back of his neck.

I looked at the door to catch a glimpse of blonde hair, only a few feet off the floor. I locked eyes with Yurio, taking notice that his were wide open, his face resembling that of pure shock.

"Um... Yurio..?" Viktor offered, scratching the back of his neck.

The 5 year old wasn't too phased by what he witnessed, since his tiny brain wasn't that great at comprehending things. He seemed to just be shocked that his older brother was getting so close to someone that isn't family.

He shook his head, rapidly,  before answering, "Yakov says dinner is ready, and you need to come down to eat."

"Okay, we'll be down in a moment." Viktor nodded to him, and Yurio took that as his signal to leave.

With the moment ruined, I figured it would be kind of awkward, but I somehow still felt just as comfortable as before.

'Well now I know what happens when I call him Vitya...'

"Sorry about that," He mumbled, sounding a little nervous, I'll admit.

"About what part?"

He took a deep breath, "Let's just forget about everything that just happened... I think it's better that way."

I felt my heart crack a little, "What happened to growing closer?" I muttered, squeezing the pillow in my grasp closer to me.

"Yuuri, don't be like that--"

"Viktor, do you enjoy playing with the heart of a 13 year old?" I snapped at him, cutting him off.

He jumped back a little, "Wh--at?"

"Viktor..." I took a deep breath, letting it out in the form of a sigh, trying to release my frustration so I don't scream. "I really like you, Viktor... and when you do stuff like this it really messes with me. I'm too young to be played with like this. One second we're on the same page, and you seem to want exactly what I want."

I glanced up at him, my eyes landing on his, as I felt my eyes water, "But then, you do this... you turn around, and tell me to forget it ever happened. I'm not used to these feelings, Viktor... it's unfair, I'm only 13 you know."

As I finished, he looked a little upset, not like the 'pure sadness' kind of upset, he looked more irritated than anything, "Yuuri, it's the fact that I know all too well that you're 13 that I'm doing this... I could get into legal trouble for this... I really don't want to do this to you Yuuri, we both want the same thing, I just don't want to get into trouble and hurt you more."

I felt the tears that were hiding behind my eyes start to spill over onto my cheeks. They felt hot, even with the burning of my cheeks. I bit down on my tongue, as I felt a lump form in my throat.

"I..." I croaked out, before clearing my throat to sound stronger than I was actually feeling, "I should probably leave."

I stood up to leave, still holding onto the pillow with a death grip.

He grabbed my wrist, as gentle as possible, but it indeed hurt a little, albeit I ignored the pain, "Yuuri, wait, stay for dinner at least.. I don't want to let you go. Please... stay."

"Viktor.." I looked down at the floor, before back up at him. He tugged on my arm, pulling me closer, and without my permission my feet moved on their own, standing right in front of him now.


"What if we kept it a secret..?"


Word Count: 1090

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