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The day had come. I was ready to be released. Though I was excited to finally leave, one thing deeply troubled me. Since (C/n) and I both endured the same explosion, it was likely we'd have a similar recovery period. I likely wouldn't have time to formulate a plan with Bakugou and Todoroki, let alone get to a quirk evaluation facility to refine my quirk usage. Plus, it didn't seem like us four were enough. All four of us were present at my house and we still only just barely won. We would need more people. I sighed as I waited for Daiki to come and pick me up. As I was waiting, a nurse escorted Todoroki in. He saw me and sat down next to me. I tried to think of something to say but couldn't. He seemed to be having the same problem, as he kept glancing from me to the floor. However, just being close to him was calming and gave me a sense of ease.

My state of calmness quickly vanished when I saw a purple-haired girl and became frozen with fear. Has she already healed? Is she here to hurt us? What will happen to everyone here? My mind was racing with questions as I started trembling. Todoroki put his hand on my leg and gave me a look of concern.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" I felt the heat rise to my face as his words brought me out of my thoughts and I realized what he was doing. I looked frantically to look for the girl, who had turned around and turned out to not be my insane cousin. I breathed out a sigh of relief and turned to Todoroki and gave him a faint smile.

"I'm fine," I said. Todoroki gave me a doubtful look. However, before he could question further, Daiki popped in front of us.

"HOW'S IT GOIN', SWEETHEARTS? YOU KISSED YET?" My expression immediately morphed into one of annoyance. I shot water in his face, causing him to flinch and start sputtering. "What was that for?!"

"That was your warning." I smirked and looked at Todoroki, who was smiling faintly. Daiki gave me an annoyed look.

"Now I'm all wet!"

"that's what she said," muttered a passerby, but no one heard them.

"It's your fault for not keeping your mouth shut."


While (Y/n) and Daiki bickered, a cloaked man watched them from across the waiting room.

"What are you waiting for? Their guard is down," whispered his partner.

"There are people here, meaning we'd have to kill them too. And you know the boss doesn't like us hurting innocent people. Only heroes and those who directly get in our way," explained the cloaked man calmly.

"Then when do we attack them?!"

"We follow them out and attack when there aren't many people around."


Todoroki looked around anxiously.

"What's wrong, Todoroki?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Shh." I'd never heard him be so demanding. His voice was sharp and powerful. He stayed silent for a moment, seemingly listening for something. He then tapped my shoulder and subtly pointed over to two men on the other side of the waiting room. One of them looked extremely odd. He wore a giant cloak that looked too extravagant to actually be real and a Memeulous-style disguise: a patterned bandana wrapped around his mouth, sunglasses, and a black cap. They talked with each other.

"Well that's not suspicious at all," I commented quietly. Todoroki continued to listen, tilting his head slightly and cupping his hand around his ear. I had to admit: he looked pretty cute. But this wasn't the time for that. If Todoroki felt something was wrong, then it probably was. Todoroki's eyes suddenly widened. Before I could ask what was wrong, he grabbed my hand.

Out of Time {Todoroki Shouto x Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz