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I was planning on just starting out with Daiki's pranks, but I got a bit carried away and this is kind of another filler chapter about Daiki and Reader-chan's relationship. Also, ironically (I never noticed it until after I named him), Daiki's last name, Kobayashi, is often written with the kanji for "small" and "grove." His first name, Daiki, is written with the kanji for "big" and "tree."

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was a piece of paper hanging in my face. The cute but poorly drawn figures signaled to me that it was Daiki who drew it. I rubbed my eyes and looked closer at it. After staring at it for a few seconds, it sunk in and I started to feel warm. Maybe that was a sign I needed to replace or remove my blankets? There on the paper was a colored picture of Todoroki and I. We were holding hands and leaning into each other while sitting in our usual place. Despite his inability to draw humans, Daiki drew details and landscapes amazingly well, and this was certainly no exception. It was like looking at a photo but with poorly drawn cartoon figures photoshopped on. My face heated up more, but this time it was from rage.


"W-What the heck, (Y/n)?! You woke me up! Also, what are you doing up at 5:45 in the morning?!" Daiki yelled at me, though his exhaustion made it sound more like a loud whisper. His voice came from right next to me. I looked over and there he was, sitting up drowsily in my bed.

"More importantly, what are you doing in my bed?!"

"Waahhhh, (Y/n)-chan, you're so cruel!" Daiki pouted. "My room was too cold, so I came here. Plus, I'm the one paying the bills and you're the one having me train you, so you kind of owe me." He winked and poked my nose, causing me to rub it and glare at him.

"As much of a wonderful experience it will be, I didn't ask you to train me. You volunteered to do it yourself. Also, that's not how that works."

"Well then, if you don't want me to train you, I guess I'll go," he said in a horribly fake sad voice. Great. Not this again. I rolled my eyes and then had an idea. I smirked.

"It'd be a shame if you were to get salt in that cut on your arm," I said, holding my hand up. Daiki immediately slapped his hand over the cut to protect it.

"H-how'd you notice that?!"

"You're wearing short sleeves, Daiki." I shook my head. "We're getting off topic! What the hell is this drawing?!" I gestured to the "art" of Todoroki and I, glaring at Daiki.

"Whoa! Your face is all red!! That school is working miracles on you! I knew it was a good idea to try it! You're opening up so much! You're even showing emotion! Breaking news: the stoic (Y/n) (L/n) is blushing!" Despite his overreaction, I could tell Daiki was being serious, and I didn't blame him. Outside of scolding him almost daily, I hadn't openly expressed emotion in what felt like years. Even before then, I rarely made jokes. It wasn't like I didn't know how, I was just too focused on our mission to spend time expressing myself to people. Especially when being able to get straight to the point without letting emotions interfere could be the difference between life and death.

"Answer the question!!" I demanded.

"It's because you two are in looove!" Daiki made kissing faces and noises.

"No we're not! And what even gave you that idea?! It's not like you've ever really seen us together!"

"Yes I have! I always see you guys training and talking together at your secret spot! I've never seen you as happy as when you two are there together," he said.

"So you've been stalking me?!" I said, my glare intensifying.

"It's not like you own that place! And sometimes I just need to check on you, y'know? But maybe before long, your boyfriend can do that for you," Daiki teased.

"Shut up! Anhway, are we going to train or not?" I yelled, changing the subject while ignoring everything before "boyfriend". Daiki rolled his eyes playfully.

"Alright, but you're still in denial! Just let me get ready!" Daiki then started stripping.

"I-Idiot! Don't do it in here! Do it somewhere else!" I screamed, covering my face and turning away.

"But why? It's not like you haven't seen me naked before," he replied teasingly.

"Don't say things that can be taken the wrong way! I've told you over and over again: that was an accident! Plus, it's your fault for not locking the door or replying to my knock!" He would never let me forget that incident and he still acted as if it was my fault!

"Accident or not, I know you liked what you saw!" My face warmed in both anger and embarrassment.

"No way! You look like a featherless bird!"

"Ouch! That was really mean, (N/n)!" I groaned in annoyance. This happened every time we saw each other. We'd start bickering because he'd keep being obnoxious while I'd try to calm him down, but both of us would end up being loud and obnoxious.

"I've told you a million times not to call me that!"

"Well you'll just have to deal with it....(N/n)-chan~." Daiki stuck his tongue out at me.

From a logical perspective, we were doomed. We couldn't last an hour together without him getting distracted or us bickering. We had to deal with each other for two weeks. I didn't know how we'd survive. Though I should've been more worried about Daiki's safety, as he's the one likely to get strangled by me, not the other way around.

This would be a long two weeks....

Note 9/18/21: Changed a few sentences and replaced an entire conversation that seemed like it was trying to hint at something that I have no idea what it was. I started rushing editing near the end, so tell me if I missed anything big.

Out of Time {Todoroki Shouto x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin