Christmas Special

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My first time doing a holiday special. Hope I won't regret it.

"Shouto-kun!" called a raspy voice.

"(Y/n)." Todoroki walked up to (Y/n) and hugged her, causing both of them to blush. "What's up with your voice?"

"I'm sick," she admitted, rubbing the back of her head. "Bummer, really. But oh well. It's not as if this small cold is keeping me from having fun."

"It's not like you to be so positive." (Y/n) blushed.

"I guess Daiki's rubbed off on me." Todoroki smiled.

"Don't change it. I like it when you smile. It's cute," he said, causing (Y/n) to blush.

"Then I'll smile more."

Both Todoroki Shouto and (L/n) (Y/n) were hopelessly in love. The only problem was that neither of them was aware of the other's feelings. Every day they'd flirt, yet somehow they were too dense to realize the meaning behind it.

The two walked down the street. They weren't heading anywhere particular; just being in each other's presence was enough for both of them. Suddenly, (Y/n) slightly slipped on ice. She caught her balance and didn't fall, but Todoroki, being the protective sweetheart he was, panicked and melted all nearby ice. (Y/n) thought for a moment and chuckled.

"We could make a business out of this. Think about it: I could produce salt and you could produce fire! We could be an ice-melting duo! We'd make millions!" she said with a sparkle in her eyes. Todoroki chuckled as well.

"Daiki really is rubbing off on you. But I agree. We can be Japan's official ice-melting duo!" The two started to laugh.

After about twenty minutes of walking, (Y/n) started to stare at Todoroki's hair. Todoroki noticed this, though he was too polite to say anything. (Y/n) opened her mouth to speak but closed it.

"Your really fits the time of year," she finally commented. Todoroki thought for a moment before smiling.

"You're right. I'm like a candy."

"A sweet and tasty-looking candy~" (Y/n) said flirtatiously while lightly pulling and twisting Todoroki's hair.

"Not nearly as sweet as you, dear," Todoroki responded as he wrapped his arm around her and stroked her hair.

"White and (h/c) go perfect together."

"White goes with anything," Todoroki responded, causing (Y/n) to become annoyed, "but white only wants to go with (h/c)." Todoroki wrapped his arm around (Y/n) and kissed her forehead.

"I have a name for our business: The Todoroki Melters," Todoroki whispered into (Y/n)'s ear.

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