Chapter two

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Aenor let out a sigh of relief as soon as she saw the lake, her throat felt dry like the desert. She hadn't had a proper meal or drink in four days.

It was a miracle she had the energy to run non stop for four days and didn't collapse. It must be the potion. She thought as she greedily lapped up the fresh water.

Finding a substitute mate had been tougher than she had imagined, for the past two months she had spend more time running away from pack wolves and worrying about not getting killed. She had lost her duffel bag in the second week since she had left, which had made it harder for her to approach humans. All her money and clothes was in that bag.

The few strays she had come across were more rogue than stray that she had to kill them before they killed her.Humans weren't much of an option since she had lost her bag, she wasn't sure any sane human would welcome a woman, who looked more like a zombie than human and was wondering around naked.

She only had three weeks and 10hrs remaining for the potion to completely wear off.

The potion wasn't as effective as first weeks of her life as a stray, she was already beginning to feel her human side slipping away, each passing day she was becoming more animal than human.

She had woken up in pools of blood and with half eaten carnivorous animal carcasses four times within two weeks with no recall of the previous night's events.

It was after a few laps that she got the feeling that she was being watched, the fur on the back of her neck rose to their end, looking up she froze. Standing on the other side of the lake was the biggest wolf she had ever seen in her entire life.

Since she was standing at 4'6 feet tall in her wolf form almost as big as a fully grown male grizzly bear, she was considered pretty big for a female lycan because she was a dominant and most average dominant male lycans were a few inches taller than her.

But the wolf standing on the other side of the lake was way much taller a good 6 feet tall, almost as tall as her previous alpha in his human form and not only was it tall, it was shaped oddly its front legs were longer than its hind legs and packed with muscle, it seemed more like it was crouching other than standing on its fours  like she was. it wasn't only its size and weird shape had her freezing in one place it was the color of its fur and eyes. It was freaking dark blue and had black as coal eyes like those of demons drawings she had seen on the internet.

The huge blue wolf seemed as surprised to see her there as she was. Movement in the woods to the left of the blue wolf caught her attention. Looking over her eyes nearly poped out as just as big pure gold wolf stepped out if the woods walking on two legs as a human would

"There you are, i knew i would find you here." a deep masculine voice emitted from the golden wolf's mouth.

Aenor was sure if she had been in her human form her jaw would have dropped to the ground. Did that wolf just spoke?? Or was she finally going completely nuts? Maybe hallucinating was part of the side effects of the potion wearing off??

"Hey what are you......" the same masculine voice began then it trailed of when red eyes like a rogue's landed on her.

"aaaaw shit, is that what i think it is??!!"

Nope she wasn't hallucinating, she concluded. Tensing her ears laying flat on her head she lips pulled back a warning snarl emitting from her, the wolves were really talking, she began backing up.

Whatever those things were she was pretty sure there weren't lycans, and whatever they were her instincts were telling her they were dangerous even though the lake was separating them something told her it meant nothing to those things.

Aenor didn't waste time, there was one thing she never ignored her instincts, when they told her to run, she always did and at this moment they were telling her to get out of these woods.

"Shit it's getting away!" She heard another masculine voice exclaim. She was sure it belonged to the first one.

"Not on my watch." The voice she was pretty sure belonged to the golden one announced. At that Aenor increased her speed, tail tucked in between her legs she didn't dare to look back, all she did was send a silent prayer to the goddess hoping she would get out of this alive.

She didn't make it for even 300meters when a golden blur zoomed past her, before she could react she found herself rumming into something hard, sending her flying into air , she twisted her body at the very last second before her muzzle could connect with the ground and landed hard on her side with a painful yelp as something sharp pierced right into her ribs causing her to cry out in pain. The last thing she saw before the darkness consumed her were two golden enormous paws.


A\N: there might be some grammatical errors please feel free to point them out.

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