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Hie everyone, first thank you for taking your time to read my book. This story is based on my ideas and characters of my own making. Please don't steal my ideas or copy any part of it.
If you don't read this then there is a chance there might be  some confusions

Things you have to know about my story.

🎯The main character is an ordinary dominant wolf, she has  no special powers nor is she a chosen one of sorts.

🎯Omegas are  just care takers of pups and are not abused by other members

🎯All wolves have a grey  coat, and brown eyes despite their different eye and hair colors in their human forms.

🔰The wolf ranks each pack follow is as follows:

🎯Alpha male and female are dominant leaders of a pack

🎯Beta male and female are the second dominants in command

🎯Delta/Enforcers are trained warriors that can be an Alpha wolf only  one or two wolves are Deltas in each pack and can be of any gender 

🎯Gamma wolves are protectors of a pack, four  pairs of gammas are allowed in each pack

🎯Thau, Kappa and Zeta are older wolves that make up the Elders. And are mostly former  dominant  wolves of the  above ranks only 6 Elder wolves are allowed in each pack.

🎯Sigma are ordinary less dominant pack members do most of the hunting with the lead of one dominant wolf and help in scouting and defending the territory when necessary  the number is limitless in each pack

🎯Omegas are care takers a pack can have one or two omegas can be of any gender

Crescent Moon PackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant