Chapter One

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Aenor clutched the duffel back tighter as she made her way towards their meeting point. She surely hoped Lucas had managed to sneak out without being noticed or else she was doing this with or without him, after all he hadn't been keen on the idea of leaving the pack, he was still hoping Tanya was going to see that she had made a mistake choosing the Alpha as her mate instead of the soulmate the goddess had paired her with, Lucas himself.

But Aenor was done, she had gone by Lucas plan of the waiting game it had been six months ever since they both had been rejected by their mates. They had both waited thinking their mates would realize the mistake they had made, Alpha Cole had made his point clear for the past six months as well, he wasn't going to leave Tanya for a pathetic clingy bitch like her.

She was done being clingy and pathetic as the alpha put it. She had tried for the last six months to prove herself worthy of being Alpha Cole's mate, she had tried to show him even though she was a Delta /Enforcer wolf she was capable of being submissive despite being a dominant wolf if that's what he wanted in a mate. She had even begged him on her knees despite her pride several times, his response shoving her away and yelling insults at her loudly for the whole pack to hear.

Her wolf still didn't understand why he was ignoring the mate bond, why would he choose a less dominant wolf over her? She was someone who could handle the position of an alpha female not that submissive bitch.
It was getting too much painful seeing them together happy each and every day. And harder for Aenor to control her animal side.

She was lucky the Elders had let her off with only a harsh punishment instead of a death sentence after her wolf had attacked Tanya three weeks ago, when she had lost control of the animal, as far as the wolf was concerned Tanya was a threat, she was the reason Alpha Cole had rejected her in the first place.

If it hadn't been for Lucas interfering Aenor could have killed Tanya while the pack and the Alpha watched helplessly with no way to help the soon to be alpha female, such were the rules, Aenor's wolf had only been trying to win back her place, Alpha Cole was her destined mate by the goddess, to the wolf Tanya was stealing her mate away, eliminating the threat was the only solution.

Luckily, Lucas had interfered, he had jumped in trying to save his mate even though Tanya had rejected him for the Alpha. Seeing Lucas' submissive wolf had her wolf confused for a few seconds, giving Aenor a chance to gain control of it again.

Aenor had made the decision then, she was going to put her wolf out of her misery even if it meant slipping into the wolf madness, there was no way her wolf would submit to a lesser wolf, such was the law of nature it has always been and will always be that way. in a weeks time Alpha Cole and Tanya would be officially mated and Tanya would be the pack's alpha female.

Aenor was leaving with or without the Elders permission. After all they had declined her request of pack transfer. She had had enough, mopping and begging wasn't getting her anywhere, and violence could only get her and her wolf killed once Tanya becomes the alpha female.

Walking into the clearing by the river bank she noticed a dark outline of a person standing by the river that marked the end of Blackwoods pack territory. As she drew closer Aenor faught the argue to flee the hairs on the neck standing to thier end, her wolf banging at the back of her mind, they needed to get out of here, they were in danger. Aenor ignored it, the dark witch was her only option, even though this woman was pure evil she could sense it, dark magic surrounded her. Aenor swallowed hard as she forced her legs to move forward.

"I was hoping you have changed your mind daughter of the moon." the witch said in her eerie chiming musical alluring voice that sent cold shivers down Aenor's spine.

"Do i have any other choice?" Aenor asked coming to a stop a few feet from her, the witch turned to look at her, Aenor shifted on her feet feeling uncomfortable there was just something unnerving about the witch's eyes as if she was looking deep into her soul, or maybe she was. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence the witch shrugged.

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