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It's just now that I realized that I never put in an introduction for this, I apologize for that!

Anyway, the only thing that I really wanted to talk about here was what kind of one shots I do and what I think about doing requests.

First of all, I'm probably not going to be taking request for quite a bit of time, I have quite the imagination and I make a lot of things in my head, so most of the times I don't need prompts. I will probably take some in the distant future, but not now.

Okay! So, the types of one shots that I write varies on my mood when I write them, here is what is probably going to be in this book a lot.

- Lots of fluff

- Some smut because I can (I will label these so that if you are uncomfortable with them then you can skip them!)

- A bit of angst, because I write it when i'm super sad n stuff

- Just anything that makes me feel better to be honest

Thank you so much for coming to my book!

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