The Soothsayer scowled but didn't say a word.

"You didn't create the monster that had destroyed me or caused me so much suffering. If you did create him, then I should be thanking you." I held my hand, silencing him. "I should be thanking you because it showed me what I want in a relationship, even if..." I shrugged my shoulder and cleared my throat, trailing off. "You tried your best throughout the years to help protect me and became insane doing it," I said, softly. "And, I am sure that was not an easy task."


I held up my hand and shook my head. "Nope, today was an accident. You didn't have any control over it."


Again, I stopped him from talking. "I don't want to hear it. It is not your fault. I'll be able to handle it." I shrugged, making sure that he couldn't hear the doubt in my voice.

The Soothsayer sighed but nodded his head. "Of course," he said, doubtfully.

"If the Ten and the first king were here, then they would say the same exact thing as me. What had happened was not your fault."

"She's right. We wouldn't be here if we thought you should perish," a male said.

My whole grew tense, and I jerked my head around to the one that had spoken. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at "her", not knowing why her voice sounded like a male's voice.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong, and this caused me to be on high alert as I slowly stood over the Soothsayer, protectively not even caring my butt was in his face.

"Awwww, she is such a mother wolf," a female said, bouncing excitedly. This person was supposed to be a male. "What is it that you kids say, now? We stan?"

"Who are you?" I asked, baring my teeth at them. "What did you do with them?" 'Charlie? Can you hear me? What's going on?'

There was no answer, only static.

"Well, we are the Ten," the female said. "The Original Ten, and you won't be able to contact your group. We made sure that you couldn't."

I set my jaw but didn't reply as I looked at them. I did not like having two near my side, and the urge to toss them towards the others was strong.

The female sighed and rolled her eyes when I didn't immediately respond or relax. "Ingford, be a dear and control your spawn. She is acting like you. I wish you would act like me and greet us with a warm welcome."

"Shush, Fia," a female with a male's voice scolded. "Be glad she isn't acting like me. We would be out of the van somewhere, and she would be driving where we are not."

"That's not vengeful," the female, Fia, said, rolling her eyes at him. She smirked when he growled.

"No fighting you two," the person in the passenger's seat said. "We do not need to see what she can do, especially with Aerïc at our side."

Aerïc, the first king of the Werewolves.

"Now, that is enough, Ingford," the driver said. "It wouldn't cause any harm to me, and you know it. Now turn around and calm her down. We don't have much time and a lot of information to cover."

Ingford snorted but didn't reply. He turned around like the driver had said, his eyes gold. Slowly, he nodded his head towards me a gentle smile curving into his lips.

His presence was soothing, and it caused me to relax and give him a hesitant smile back.

The Soothsayer was the one that made me stop looking at the male and turn my gaze to him. He had this awe look in his eyes, and I could tell that what they were saying was true by that look. "What they say is true," he said, his voice soft. "These are the original Ten, created by the Moon Goddess herself. Now, go sit."

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now