The Start of a Friendship

Start from the beginning

"Erin, come here," He called. Erin left her spot with Pony and Johnny and went over to Dally. "Here, put these in your pocket." He tossed her a pack of cigarettes. She stared at them blankly. She didn't want to steal.

She looked back up at Dally. "No. I don't want to steal."

"Oh come on! First you won't smoke and now you won't steal. You're soft." Dally tried to offer her a cigarette yesterday and she declined, telling him she doesn't smoke. He only chuckled and told her she was missing out.

"I'm sorry, Dallas, but I won't do it." She then tossed the pack back to him and walked away. Dally muttered profanities under his breath.

After awhile they finally left. More like got kicked out because they've been there for awhile. Once they left they walked around town, chasing kids and just being hoods. Of course they didn't do nothing bad, other than steal that it.

They finally got the Nightly Double and Erin was glad that she could relax a bit. But she can't deny that she didn't enjoy her day. She had laughed away with Pony and Johnny. She knew she would get along with them. They are different.

They hadn't watched the movie long when Cherry and Marcia came. She knew what would happen. Dally would be a big flirt. And he did. Erin tried not to focus on it too much, although it was hard not to. She had already seen The Outsiders movie, but this was better than the movie. This was the real thing, and she couldn't help but watch.

Finally Dally left for the second time, and Erin knew he wasn't coming back. Cherry then started asking them questions. "How old are you all?" She asked.

"Fifteen," Erin said. When the boys told their ages Marcia made a comment.

"Funny, I thought you all of you were-"

"Sixteen!" Cherry cut in. Erin just rolled her eyes. She was short for her age, making her look younger. All her friends called her short. But she didn't mind much. She kind of enjoyed it.

Cherry knew Erin wasn't from around here, so she asked where she was from. Erin told her and, again, tried to focus on the movie.

The boys and her ended up moving up to sit beside the girls. Erin set beside Cherry because Pony was sitting in the middle of the girls and Johnny was sitting beside Marcia.

Finally Two-Bit came, scaring everyone to death. Erin screamed and covered her mouth. She then started to laugh at herself. "What are you laughing at?" Two-Bit asked her. She just shook her head and continued to laugh. She then heard someone else laughing. She looked up to where it was coming from. Pony had a grin on his face but Johnny was the one laughing. They both locked eyes and burst out laughing again. Johnny couldn't help it. Even if he was scared to death, the sound of her laugh calmed him. It was also contagious.

Once everyone had calmed down everyone started talking again. "Move over, Johnny," Two-Bit said, wanting to sit by Marcia.

"But there are no more seats left."

Two-Bit looked around and spotted one by Erin. "Go sit by Erin. I'm sure she won't bite. Although she might laugh," He said with a goofy grin.

"Oh ha ha," Erin mocked as Johnny came and sat beside her. They sat and watched the movie for a bit until Johnny spoke up.

"Erin, what's your favorite thing about Mississippi?"

She hummed, not knowing what to say. "Well...I like living out in the country. There's a lot of stuff you can do. I find it better than a town. But I like this town. I can actually walk places. Usually my parents just drove places."

" you have any pets?"

"Yeah, I have two dogs. We have horses. I love to go horse back riding."

"Oh that's cool. I don't have any pets. If I could have one I'd want a dog. Horses are nice though."

"Yeah, they are."

"Hey, Johnny, you want popcorn?" Pony asked, interrupting their conversation. "What about you Erin?"

"Yeah, I'll take some," Johnny said, he then looked at Erin who nodded.

"Yeah, I'll have some," She said. Pony and Cherry then went off to get the popcorn leavening a chatting Two-Bit and Marcia and Johnny and Erin who both set quietly watching the movie.

Once the popcorn came everyone basically dug in. Erin ate a few pieces of her popcorn and smiled. She had an idea. She looked over at Johnny who was eating his popcorn and staring at the movie screen; he wasn't paying any attention to her. She took a piece of popcorn and threw it at him.

He turned his head. "Why'd you do that for?" She only shrugged and threw another one in his hair. "Oh, okay. You're on, missy," He said with a grin. He then threw a piece at her and then they began to have a little food fight.

Erin was laughing and Johnny was, too, a little. Everyone had stopped talking and were now looking at them with amused faces. Johnny grabbed a handful and dumped it on Erin's head. She squealed and laughed.

The only people not enjoying the excitement was the crowd. They were yelling and telling them to stop and be quiet. Erin was still laughing and had to cover her hand over her mouth again. "I'm out of popcorn," Johnny stated.

"Yeah," Erin laughed. "You dumped it all on my head." She smacked his arm and picked up her container of popcorn. "I'm out, too."

"Come on, we'll go buy more."

Erin stood up and rubbed her arms. She didn't have a jacket when she first came here so now she's freezing. She's been cold but a lot has happened to take her mind off it. Johnny noticed and offered her his jacket. "I'm fine," Was all she said.

They finally made it to the popcorn stand. Erin knew she didn't have any money. She stood there awkwardly waiting for her turn to pay. "I'll get yours," She heard Johnny say. She wanted to argue but there was no point in it.

"Thank you," The lady said as she handed them their popcorn.

As they walked away Erin said, "Thanks for buying my popcorn. You didn't have to."

"I know. I wanted to," He said with a smile. "And let's try not to waste these."

Erin walked ahead and threw a piece over her shoulder. "I ain't making any promises."

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