Ark 1 - The Male Lead actually acts coldly towards the Female Lead?

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Shu Ning pulled the blanket over his head to block out the loud argument and yelling noises from downstairs. Even if he tried to ignore the sounds, they automatically drilled into his ears, making his body restless. Luckily, the house went back to quiet not too long after, so he could finally settle down and get some rest.

Shu Ning yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes. He felt too exhausted to go back to his own room and he didn't really care about that anyway, so he just scooted to one side of the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.


After being woken up by the soft and warm glow of the morning sun, Shu Ning couldn't help but rub his cheek on the soft pillow moaning in bliss.

Shu Ning: "I missed this feeling. So good. I really don't want to go back to my own room anymore. I've been tortured for so long in that run down room of mine."

System: "But you just arrived in this world a few days ago."

Shu Ning: "...." 'Why does Alpha always have to take me so seriously?'

Shu Ning rolled around the big bed a few times more before finally getting up and changing his clothes. 

Sheng Su was already long gone for the company and the bed didn't show any traces of a second person occupying it. 

Shu Ning didn't think too much about it though and just finished washing up in the bathroom. After packing up the scattered laundry of his, Shu Ning threw it into Meng Yi's room and finally settled down at the breakfast table.

The house was completely silence and even after listening careful, the youth still couldn't hear any kind of movements.

Shu Ning: "Alpha. Where is the woman? What did my older brother do to her?"

System: "You don't need to worry. The woman wasn't killed and only suffered minor bruised on her wrist and emotional torment. Right now, she is at her sisters house. The male Lead argued with her yesterday and threatened her to keep away from you. So she fled to her family."

Shu Ning: "Shit. That makes it more difficult to let my idiotic father see her true face. I will have to temporarily change my plans it seems."

Shu Ning quietly ate the food that was left for him on the table while planning his next steps, when a loud siren sounded directly inside of his head.

System: "HOST!!! The female lead entered the male lead's company just now!"

Shu Ning: "Don't worry. I will take care of it. Oh, and Alpha. Don't you ever make such a ruckus inside of my head again!"

Shu Ning rubbed his aching temples while not forgetting to glare fiercely at the System. 

System: 'I was just trying to be of help (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚'

Shu Ning ruthlessly ignored the pitiful acting system and rushed outside of the house and into the next taxi after putting away the rest of his food.

"To the Sheng company please."

Shu Ning: "What did the female lead come to the company for? It's too early in the timeline for their first meeting."

System: "Because Host is an outsider of this world the Host is able to change the plot line. Maybe you did something to influence the female lead?"

Shu Ning grew quiet after that. As far as he knows, he didn't do much that involves the female lead except for their first meeting. But that was just a minor scene. The only thing that was drastically changed in the plot, was that the wretch left the Sheng residence for a bit. Could the woman have some sort of influence on the female lead? But the information he got from the System didn't explain any secret relationship between the Sheng and Fan family. The only reason those two families interacted with each other, was because of the male and female lead. But the original plot shouldn't have a scene in the Sheng company so early. The female lead hasn't even entered Sheng Su's class in school yet. So what was going on? Shu Ning couldn't think of any reason for this change at the moment so he just dropped the subject and waited for the car to arrive.

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