Chapter 17

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A/n : hey guys sorry I haven't updated in forever but I have exciting news! I get my braces of on October 28! Woohoo! continue reading for the big reveal!.....

Zayn's pov:

I know where she went bit I promised not to tell. I feel bad though all the boys are nervous but I know she'll be back. She told me she will.

I smiled to myself.

"Why are you smiling!! Nothing Is funny! Milas missing!."harry screamed.

I look down, Im never one to talk. maybe I should tell them. But then Mila will be mad , and I can't disappoint her again, she doesn't deserve that.

"Does calum know she's gone?" I speak up holding my breath, scared for the answer.

Everyone looked around at each other guilty, like they did something bad. Luke opened the door and walked in and looked around.

"Guys what's wrong with you all?"he asked,"why aren't you ready?"

Louis looked up puzzled." ready for what? "

"Mila's birthday party, duh.! you guys didn't forget her birthday right?"

Everyone was silent, I have already given her my present. it was a new guitar. she told me she always wanted to play.

"How could you!?"luke looked mad, almost as if he was about to burst.

"IM SORRY OKAY?!"louis ran into the back ,tears running down his face.

Luke looked at me,"Where is Mila anyway.?"

Everyone looked down except me , I look up.

"She's in the old warehouse, up in the second loft." i spoke quietly. "


sorry it's so short. schools really busy now but I'll update as much as possible!

If you have any questions or you want to talk,

Kik: Shelby.conklin

Yup so byeeee!!!

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