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- hey guys sorry if there is any mistakes I have to type this on my sisters iPod cause I'm grounded from my laptop and other electronics so here you guys go... CHAPTER 10-


I was let out of the hospital two days ago and the boys will not let me out of their sight .... Like really?
They go on their TMH tour in 3 days and I'm being forced to go with them... Oh well.

3 days later•

Dear diary,
I'm forced to live on this stupid small bus for the next 6 and 1/2 months.. I'm not allowed out of their sights still and I'm cut off from any life I had before... Ugh I hate this already!
Love, m

I walk to the "kitchen" -if you could even call it that- to get a water bottle and trip over a sleeping boy.. What the hell? So of course I do what any other teenage girl would do... I screamed.

"Wh-what h-happened?" The boy asked. " and please stop screaming my head is pounding!"

"Well then you shouldn't have drank so much dumbass!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes and stood up and grabbed my water out of my hand and started chugging it down.

"Dude what the fuck!!!?" I yell, snatching my water from his hands."Grab your own damn water"

"Bitch" he mumbled and walk of the bus and into the arena.
I grabbed myself a new water and trudged back into the bunks . Hmmm it's only 5:20-pm- time for a nap, I plug in my head phones and let the music overtake me.

OMG thanks SOOO much for the 450+reads! It may not be a lot to you but it means a lot to me soo thank you!

-also sorry for the short update I have 6 days off from school so ill probably update again soon:) peace-shelby

•👏👏👌 TWO UPDATES THIS WEEKEND???? Yes or no?? 👏👏👌

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