chapter 8

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RECAP: harry was just going to know whennnn....

*Harrys p.o.v.*

The door opened.  I peered around the corner. no one. I turned around and told them no one was there. 

" lets go in lou! zayn come with us! liam , niall, paul and half of security stay out here just in case. the other half come with me!" i said- well more like demanded. once we got our groups . security went ahead alittle. we walked into what seemed like a foyer ( front room)  No traces of anyone here. it was perfectly silent after another few minutes of searching the bottem floor there was an ear peircing scream . Mila! 


 we followed the sound to a door. louis opened it . there was a staircase down, it must be basement. we heard quiet wimpering. the policed rushed down there and we all followed. what we saw made me sick. there was at least 6 guys there. i looked around and saw mila. it broke my heart, she was chained to these poles in a star position with both arms and legs spread and clamped with metals weights dangling from her ankles and wrists. her head was hung long. i rushed over she was passed out i checked he pulse it was there but it was faint and slow. I un chained her and took my shirt and put it on her to cover up he body since she was only in her undergarmets. i looked at her cuts and wanted to cry. there was tons of different nives strewn across the floor with her blood on them. what really got me over the edge was the metal pips half in the fire place. i looked at her arms again .there was burn marks every where. i picked her up and cradled her to my chest and walked up the stairs. i half walked half jogged outside. the boys faces all distorted from sadness to anger at all those people who did this to her. the police cuffed the guys and threw them into the cars. a nurse brought over a gourney and i gently layed her on it they rolled her away. we all got in the car and followed the ambulance except for lou who went with her in the ambulance since he was the one who officially adopted her.

* liams p. o. v.*

harry came out carrying her in his arms. god i wanted to kill whoever did that to her. she had cuts and bruises all over her arms and burns scattered her body she was wrapped up in harrys shirt. she was put in a gourney and taken to the hospital with lou there and us following.

* zayn & nialls p. o. v.*

OMG  them f***ing b*stards  we jumped in the car and followed the ambulance.

* louis p. o. v.*

MY BABY GIRL! i hopped into the ambualnce with her and held her hand tight crying as we drove to the E.R. !


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 bye ,

           xxxx shelby

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