Chapter 13/14

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This is chapter 13/14 because there is two chapter nines and I don't know why😒 Lmaoo whatever :).

A/n a lot I you guys read after and I'm so sad that it's ending but I cannot wait for the movie and anything else Anna is going to be writing! What's your thoughts on after ending.?

Also a huge thanks to the 1.3k reads!!! I just want to say I'm very grateful for the support from you guys! Thanks.!



"LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN HERE WITH MY SHIRT.!!!" Michael ran into the room after a screaming luke.

"Guys I need to talk to you guys." I try getting their attention, "GUYS, COME HERE!"

They stopped and sat on the couch.

"So today I met Mila and .." I paused, " I CALL DIBS!!"i screamed.

They cheered. "we'll now I need to talk to Louis and Harry and everyone else." I rolled my eyes, they are so over protective of her. Ashton was the first to offer his assistance.

"I'll come with you, you know, just in case she has any hot friends." he winked and chuckled.

Luke walked over a few seconds after he left,"I would be careful man she seems like a prude to me." I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

Why would he want me to stay away from her? Prude? why would she be a prude. Maybe he's just jealous.

I grab my phone and start a text to Louis.

To: Louis

From: Calum

Hey can we meet up I want to talk to you?!. C

A few minutes later I get a text back.


From: Louis

Sure, Starbucks in 20?

I type a quick sure back and grab my shoes and keys since Starbucks is about 15 minutes away by car.


I get there a few minutes before Louis so I order our usuals.

I hear a bell and notice Louis walking in.

"Hey Lou, I want to make this short and sweet. Can I ask out Mila?" I talk quick hoping he hadn't heard it at the same time hoping he did.

He thought for a minute , "Calum, I know that you would take care of her , and I'm giving you my permission but it's really not my decision. It's Mila's."

I jump up mumbling a thanks and run to my car, trying to get. back to the bus so I can ask out Mila before anyone else gets the idea.

It takes forever to get back but once I do I run to her door!.

'Knock knock'

"Calum?" I can hear the surprise in her voice,"what are you doing here?" I notice she's in her pink robe rubbing her eyes sleepily.

" I was wondering if you wanna go on a date tomorrow night?" I ask. "I mean you don't need t- I was just wondering."

She looks at me suprised." Calum i....... "



Comment what you think she will tell Calum.

10 votes , 100 reads , 8 comments

This book will be ending in late June/ early july. after this book I will be starting another book called dimples. The first 10 chapters are written.


-Xx shelby

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