chapter 7

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I use my hand to shade over my eyes to stop myself from getting blinded by the light. i groan and try to stand up, i hiss at the pain shooting through every inch of me. I look down at my legs and gasp, they were purple and swollen and all bloody. i felt my eyes cloud with tear as i pushed myself to the wall resting my back on it. My whole body hurt, "Uhmm Hello?" I say. nothing. no sounds at all. the only sounds are the rain and the cars whipping by on the street. wait! The street!. I remember i had my phone in my boot under my foot hidden from sight. i slide it out and try to text the boys.' no signal. none. nope .nada. im gonna die. i really need to stop talking to my self.' My head was pounding i lean my head against the wall and let the sleep and darkness over take my body once again. 

When i wake agin its dark out. the room is illuminated by only one candle by the bathroom. i hear voices near the door and heavy footsteps that follow. They stop right out side the door and i can tell just by their voices that theres a girl and two boy or ' men'. i whimper when i hear the door unlock and open up. i close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping and maybe they would leave me alone. nope, no such luck at all. " WAKE UP BITCH!" I " woke up" and looked up. There was one of the guys. i whimpered as he yanked me off the floor by my hair. He raised his hand and slapped my right in the face . i could feel the tears but held them since i dont want to get in even more trouble then i already am. " LOOK HERE! this is the deal if your little friends dont give me  100 grand your dead and ill kill you in front of them if i need to! GOT IT?" 

"y-yes sir" i say stuttering a bit. 

"Good now lets have some fun? yeah"

i new what they were gonna do to me. i knew it , it was the same thing that happened to my best friend jay. her neighbors did it. they raped her.



" Guys!" liam shouts from the living room.

i walk in to see all the boys looking at each other nervously.

" whats wrong guys?" i ask. all of them just stare at each other or at the ground. 

" if we want mila back we need to give the dude 100 grand." zayn says suprising me. he was usually the quiet on in the house.

" ok. " i say and stand back up" then lets do it!"

we all did a little cheer that we were getting mila back soon. we got the money from paul who took it from all our bank accounts 20 grand from each of us. but we all knew that mila meant more then anything money could buy. we got the money and paul and some back up just in case and hopped in the car driving to the destination shown on the note that was on our door step before we left. 

After about 3 hours of driving we finally drove up to an old abandoned wearhouse . the boys and i jusmped out running to the door. we got to the door step and harry went to knock whenn...

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